So…tomorrow my crew hits the set to be extras in the film “Life As We Know It” starring Josh Duhemal and Katherine Hiegl. You know the Youngs…we are always up to something off the beaten path and crazy! Another thing to mark off our bucket list: Be in a movie.
So…we’ve gotten our instructions…getting our wardrobes ready…and we’re almost set (no pun intended;).
Our dress is to be “upscale casual, preppy attire–no white and no crazy patterns” (sounds like what I tell my photography clients;). We will be in the birthday scene but we have to also be prepared to be pulled for the Thanksgiving scene…and to bring lots of dress options: skirts, khakis, jeans, blazers, sports coats, dresses…seasons of FALL. Think “Desperate Housewives”…(ummm…I am *so* far from that…so this should be interesting!). “Think J.Crew or Polo Ad”….hmmmm…do I need to go shopping tonight? Nahhh…just had Aunt Reid (Richard’s sister) aka Queen of Style…pay us a visit and I am set…with some very fun skinny jeans I might add!
NOW…the kids! 3 outfits per kid. This is so out of my realm of thinking as we’ve been busy jumping hoops for our Ethiopian adoption…but as my friend Addie said today—this is a much needed break and it will be a lot of FUN!
And sadly…they said NO CAMERAS and NO VIDEO…can we say BUMMER. Man oh man…this should be fun! And what time are we supposed to arrive. EEK. They gave me a number to call after 2am to find out. Nice. What a different lifestyle actors must lead…and a good thing we are only doing it one day of ours!!! Still, it’ll be fun…and I’ll definitely blog tomorrow to give our fun details of our day on the set!
by admin
Sounds like a fun activity to me!!!
I'm so excited to hear how this goes!! So fun!! You'll will steal the limelight i'm sure!
Have fun!!
OH MY WORD … so much fun !!!! If I had known I would have sent you a 147MillionOrphans funky baseball tee to wear … it looks great w/ skinny jeans … hee hee ….
i am listening to your playlist now … the song WAITING is on and it has become my theme song !!!
have a blast tomorrow and tell Katherine she rocks in the adoption world ! I would have loved to have sent her shirt also … hee hee
done … here is my email … …
send me what size you think her hubby wears and what sizes you and your hubby want .. will send you guys a super cool package … how cool would that be for her to actually wear it out in public and have people see a star shouting to the world ORPHANS ARE REAL !!!
so excited …