I went ahead and did the inevitable…and bought a crib for our little one since Mr.Frank has at least another year and a half or two in his (he just turned 1 two weeks ago)! Finding one that would work was a bit tricky because I needed the crib to be under 40 inches in height for a little nursery plany, plan. Frank’s crib is white–so I decided to do something different…and since baby #4’s nursery will be in the office off of our bedroom and our furniture is dark wood…we got this…
A little bit of a modern look I know—which is so not my style. But I need it to go in a perfect little nook that has a incline on the ceiling…which WOULD be perfect to hang a mobile from…IF I was mobile person…which I’m not. But if I was…it would be perfect. Anyway, here’s our find…

It can convert later to this…I know this is super blocky—but I do have a plan:) As if that rail would really keep a toddler in it;) Having this baby in the office off our room should be really entertaining!

And if you are an almost 4th time mommy like me…you know the real trick to peace is not the bed—but it’s the bedding (interior of crib bumpers) and paint color. That bedding above would make for one stimulated baby! Cute yes, and awake, stimulated baby too. Not what I like to go for in the nursery;).
I always have to smile at myself thinking of my first baby’s nursery—it was VERY busy with lots of colors, lots of busyness and lots of decorations. It took me awhile to figure out why it took the little booger so long to go to sleep (finally a seasoned mom peaked in the nursery, turned the bedding to the solid side…and WA LA! Peace, rest…NAPS!) He just had too much to look at! And then I was a firm believer on how an environment can effect rest. So, now—to find or make peaceful bedding bedding baby #4. This is my Frank’s peaceful place…with a blue serene ceiling for him to see while he lays. I do love prints too—so I always just have the fabrics with prints put on the outside of the crib bumpers and solids on the interior…

Yes, maybe too soft for a boy—but I’m going for a good nap schedule here people.
I’m also a believer on paint choices and how the environment can change a mood. A little Young trivia, every nursery has had the walls or ceiling painted a light blue…even Laney’s wall were light blue!!! I’m a nut about good rest so blue has always been a part of my baby’s rooms. And it was well worth working around it! Check out what studies say how a room color effects your mood:
Raise room energy level. A great choice when you want to stir up excitement (dining/living). Red raises blood pressure, breathing and heartrate.
Yellow is energizing and uplifting. People lose tempers more in a yellow room and babies cry more. This feeling can create a feeling of frustration and anxiety.
Blue brings down blood pressure and heart rate. Calming, relaxing, serene. Light blue creates calming effect.
Green is considered the most restful color for the eye. Combining a color of blue and green creates refreshing cheerfulness. Green also has a calming effect.
In a darker hue creates creativity and lighter lilacs brings the same restful quality as blue.
Evokes excitement, enthusiasm and energy. This color is best for an exercise room. In anxient cultures orange was use to increase energy levels.
Now, once the babies turn 3 and 4 there’s NO calming them down…so that’s when I paint their room whatever color I wanted to to begin with:). Guess we better get out the blue paint once again…or maybe not…my office is olive green…and that wouldn’t be such a bad thing either!
by admin
That is a GREAT crib. Love it!
and paint color is totally important–I am right there with you 🙂
I remember how excited I was the day we got our crib for Isaiah =) How fun! And thanks for sharing about the colors…I'm a first time mom so I was excited to see that my color choice, light blue, was in the calm category. You'll have to share a picture when you've got his cozy room ready!
I've been thinking a lot about painting my son's room a light blue. When I was pregnant with him we were remodeling THE ENTIRE HOUSE and I was so sick of painting at that point. We painted it beige before we knew he was a boy. But, I think I'm ready for a change now! You're right about setting the mood though! =)
Our master bedroom is a pale mint green and the curtains and bedding are all white … it's so light and airy! I never have any trouble falling asleep and relaxing with a book – now I know why!!
We're planning on doing our nursery with simple solids too (though I love pattern too) … and I think we want to continue the muted, pale green
Thanks for all the color info! 🙂
You have such great insight on decor. 🙂 By the way, your last comment to me meant so much…I love how you "get it" and know exactly the emotions I feel. Thanks for validating my thoughts! 🙂 Any more updates for ya'll?
uh…so you're saying my mod polka dots might be a bit too much huh?? ha! oh well…I am a pattern kind of gal. nothing in my house is serene and quiet! although Frank's nursery is beautiful!! And I LOVE the new crib! I think it is a good mix of modern and classic with the dark wood!!
I love Frank's room. It's so precious. The new crib is beautiful.
This makes me feel more confident about choosing lilac and sage for our LO's nursery! Hopefully those colors will balance out the black and white damask, stripes, and polka dots . . . . 🙂