Soooo…I just realized I didn’t take ONE picture–NOT ONE–of the kids in their Easter outfits TODAY! Terrible right? Well…lemme tell you why! We got home today and Frank and Isaac got into chocolate…and chocolate got all over their clothes! SOOO…I am totally going to re-inact their first Easter in a few days and take pictures of them in their outfits! I did HOWEVER get pictures on Saturday with the cousins (my sister April’s kiddos) when they came over!
Isaac was NOT interested in hunting for eggs. He picked up one and looked at the other kids like they were crazy (which…he has a GREAT point…)

I asked Frankie baby to give Isaac a hug…poor Isaac…

The cousins (minus Anna Kate hiding behind everyone)…

SO proud of himself…and such a happy boy…

And these two–they are just a few months apart…best buds and they just love one another so much!

They remind me so much of their mommas when they were their age…

We were all outside just catching up and enjoying one another’s company when time passed and I asked the question WE ALWAYS ASK…”Where’s Frank?”
I mean, you just NEVER know.
I had a FEELING what he was up to…

He is ADDICTED to sugar. Bless his heart…he gets it honest from his momma.
And we totally stole our friend’s Jimmy and Tammy Dugger’s tradition of the kids getting things they actually need for Easter for the season ahead. Everyone got swimsuits, a beach towel and sand toys! And of course shades…which I have got to get some pictures of ITY in his…he walks around in them but turns his head to the ceiling when he walks with them on…so funny!

After nap time today we just played around the house and cleaned up from our fun weekend. Frankie baby took cleaning up to a new level and hid under the kitchen table eating as many pieces of chocolate as possible before getting caught. He was NOT happy once found out…

Oh my goodness. Can I just get on your nerves and say, “Is he not the cutest little thing EVEN he’s upset with you?!” Well, let me tell you a trick. All you have to do is offer him some milk and he’s a happy camper all over again! I knew you wouldn’t want to end on Frank pouting:)

Today was an AMAZING day…but a hard one too. One of our little ones has been in and out of not feeling well–and we are just praying God’s protection over our sweet one and our family. We made it to service this morning and it was precious to see little Isaac clapping his hands in worship ON HIS FIRST EASTER SUNDAY! The Lord has done great things…and his health is strong and well and we are so thankful to the Lord for all He has done!!! Will you please pray for God’s soverign plan over our family and protection over everyone’s health? Thank you!
Also–please pray for my friend Amy Levy’s little girl Sarah who is struggling with an infection right now in her ear. This is not just any infection but a life threatening one because of the type it is and it’s proximity to the brain. Please pray for her COMPLETE HEALING!!! Sarah came home with AIDS but after medication it changed to HIV+ and now her counts are at ZERO!!!!! The Lord is indeed healing this little girl–but we really need the prayers of many right now for COMPLETE HEALING! Please pray that this infection will COMPLETELY GO AWAY and surgery will not be required…and of course that the doctors would be blown away and see God’s healing power!!!
by admin
Praying for healing!!
Praying for Sarah, Andrea. Thanks for sharing pics of your sweet kiddos… and their sweet “tooths”. 🙂
Praying for healing in your family and for little Sarah. I love the pic of Frank sneaking candy. My youngest has a sweet tooth and has been sneaking candy all weekend
Awwww..your kiddos seriously!!! CUTE!!! I am addicted to sugar too….know what you mean sweetie 🙂
THANK GOD FOR EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Praying for complete healing of both of your little ones. Our Father in heaven loves our children infinitely more than we could ever fathom and they are daily IN HIS GRIP…no greater place to be.
Much love, sweet friend.