I’ve been resting up this weekend with the 3 older ones gone…and I knew if I didn’t put together Isaac Temesgen’s sweet slideshow now–it might not ever happen. It was a real challenge to get it under YouTube’s “less than 10 minute” requirement to say the least;). Please feel free to share…and without further adieu–after a week being home…here is a tribute to our journey to our beautiful baby boy…
Oh…and please turn off the music up top (pause it) before watching:)
How thankful I am that the Lord called us to grow our family through adoption. And how thankful I am…that at the end of it…was my beautiful baby boy–that even just having for 2 weeks and being home with for 8 days–I can’t imagine my world without. We love you Isaac Temesgen!
If you ever have questions regarding the adoption process, orphan care ministry or anything related–please feel free to email me. And if you are in the midst of your own journey–DO NOT GIVE UP! I promise, it will be worth every trial, every tear, every setback. Hold fast to Jesus during your calling, and trust in the Father of Fathers. And for those of you who have also been on this journey with us and before us—THANK YOU for trusting Jesus and following the call. It has been your faithfulness and journeys that have encouraged us…and we are so thankful to be surrounded by so many who have lifted us up along the way.
Much love,
The Youngs
Richard, Andrea, Parker, Laney, Frank & Isaac Temesgen
by admin
Oh my goodness! Just had a LOOONG weekend of fundraising and it was such a treat to end it with this precious video and remind myself of what we are doing all this hard work for!! Can’t wait for our turn! 😉
Simply beautiful Andrea. I know I’m going to watch it at least 10 more times (today)! When I think of all the different moments in your journey– starting the process, getting on the waitlist, praying for a court pass, praying again, travelling to get Isaac, meeting his birth mom– it all seems SO long ago already! And yet it was God’s perfect timing, each event of great importance to prepare him and to prepare you for today. May your video inspire many many many more to follow God’s call…
WOW Andrea! That is incredible! So happy for your new family of 6! Thank you for sharing your journey.
Andrea – it is wonderful!!! I know that I am going to watch it a million times:) Praying for you all as the kids come home – for peace and sleep and tons of joy!!! Give your kiddos huge hugs from us!
beautiful! what an amazing journey isaac has already been through in his life!
Love it! I truely enjoyed watching your journey with Isaac! You have a beautiful family!
Beautiful!!!! So happy he is home.
I am a mess. So beautiful. Loved the whole thing and wish YouTube didn’t have the 10 minute limit!!
My husband just walked in and asked why I was crying… :o) Absolutely beautiful. I love your photographs – they are incredible. Your family is gorgeous, and your heart is so genuine.
oh andrea….LOVE this video! precious! Did you do the video, if so, how or where online did you do it? I am wanting to do something similar for our Isaac! Thanks for any info!
Speechless and crying. Amazing, my friend! Blessings to you and a super huge hug!
Thank you for sharing that video with us, it is so inspiring. We are waiting to apply for a court date for our 4 month old baby girl – and the enemy just loves to send obstacles our way, but seeing Isaac reminds me, even more, the beauty and importance of what we are doing and that we must persevere. He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. It has been a joy watching your journey! Blessings my sister.
So beautiful. Our son was adopted domestically so it was a different experience, but adoption is always a life changing experience.
What an absolutely beautiful, squeezable son you have! His happy, funny smile makes me laugh. Congratulaitons on the end of one journey and the beginning of another!
So amazingly beautiful! I can’t wait to share this with my family and friends. God will use your journey to Isaac Temesgen to bless so many people and further his kingdom and bring home more orphans. Blessed to know you Andrea!
You have no idea how encouraged I am to keep going after watching this! Cannot wait until it is our turn. Congratulations!! ENJOY!!
God is so awesome! So beautiful!
Beautiful Andrea!!!! Can’t wait to join the ranks of those HOME with their little ones!! I am getting SUCH encouragement from watching the love in your family unfold!!!!
My heart as well as eyes are full. I love it!
We are leaving for our first trip to court in a week and I can’t wait to see my baby girl.
another tear jerker! 🙂 welcome home isaac temesgen!!!
Wow! Your video got me good. My entire family sat down and watched it. I of course cried like a baby. My hubby is just so amazed at your video. He kept saying this is so awesome! I agree!!
So happy for you,
Isaac is such a beautiful boy, his smile lights up his whole face! Congratulations on his arrival home. Blessings for many wonderful days ahead.
God is so wonderful!! I am so happy for your family.
I cried (of course)… What a beautiful testimony of God’s calling and work in us and through us. Thank you so much for sharing your family, and your adorable new addition, with us! 🙂
-The Starrs in Colorado
This is so so beautiful Andrea! Thank you for sharing your video and allowing us to share it too. I can’t wait to go to Hannah’s Hope sometime next year to pick up our little girl!
That was so inspiring, wonderful, and perfect. God is so faithful. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and my family as we move closer to find our little one in Ethiopia.
You’re a blessing.
Speechless. And blind from the tears!
Cannot wait to see how God uses your family’s act of love and obedience to inspire others!
the sweetness and beauty of it all brings me to my knees.
It has been so inspiring to watch your family’s beautiful journey. Thanks for sharing and I cant wait for the next update!
Andrea, Love Love Love seeing your story from start to now. Amazing. You are right, it doesn’t get old. Thanks for sharing your story and your heart. And that little man? oh he is a-dor-a-ble!!! I love the ‘crew’ shot of all your kids. That one is a keeper! LOVE it! Congratulations on the new addition!