We received this email from Stacy in Zambia:
Henry Swanzi is out of surgery! Praise God! The doctor estimated 40
minutes for surgery but it ended up taking three hours because once
they got in, they realized that the muscles were torn as well the
break taking place through his growth plates. The doctor installed to
wire pins through both bones on the inner and outer parts of his wrist
to reconnect them.
Henry and I spent the night last night in the hospital together.
There were a few small problems but the night went well. Henry finally
got to eat around 22 hrs for the first time and everything stayed
down. The doctor arrived this morning to check him at 07:30 and Henry
was discharged with a sling, pain medication, and minimal procedures
from here. So, we loaded the car and headed for home. Shortly after
getting on the road Henry began getting sick. We are almost home and
will stop in Mary Begg for them to check him out and to drop off
papers before returning him home. Henry will be going to Mary Begg on
Monday to get his wraps taken off and cleaned and then he will receive
another x-ray on the 25th of October before having to return to Lusaka
on the 26th to get the wire removed for a final check up.
Thank you all for praying for us and please continue to pray for
healing as the next few weeks may continue to be tough for him. I
will continue checking on him and keep you posted on his progress.
Thanks Again!
HOW THANKFUL we are to your being there to watch over him and even stay with him Stacy!!! No little one should have to have surgery without a momma figure to spend the night with you in the hospital!!! Here is little Henry after surgery:

Henry REALLY NEEDED to have this surgery ASAP. Doing so–meant we needed to have the surgery BEFORE it was funded. I wrote the blog post last week about this need hoping and praying we’d get his surgery funded–but we didn’t get much feedback. Wiphan made the decision to step out in faith and have this need met without having the funding yet (medical surgeries for the kids are outside of our regular operating budget and something we don’t have room for yet). But we didn’t want to see the same thing happen to Henry that happen to Mary–who now needs a corrective surgery as her break was not corrected and her bones are now fused together. You can read about her need in that last blog post. (This need is STILL there–so please share this with your small groups, family, friends, blogs–where ever for Mary!)
TODAY–our family worked the ministry fair at our church…isn’t Loo bear the cutest representative??

There is NOTHING SWEETER than doing things like this as a family. Your kids catch the vision and mission–and their hearts grow more compassionate. Can’t WAIT to take them with us one day!!! Here is Loo and momma getting ready to answer questions and share about Wiphan kids…it was really bright out there today…hard to look at the camera!

We had LOTS of families interested in going on trips in 2013 (YAY!) and lots of folks interested in being a part of the 2013 Wiphan Waddle! We even had someone ask about how to sponsor a child–just $39 a month…a big but life changing commitment that will change your family as you invest in an orphan–one you can even go visit and spend a week loving on. TO ME…just ONE person asking a question is worth it as ONE person investing can make such a big difference. Whether it’s Wiphan or another ministry that works with orphans–your life will BE FOREVER CHANGED when you plug in…I mean REALLY PLUG IN to an orphan ministry. Getting plugged in for life with an orphan ministry will change your life even more than adoption or anything else. It will change your comfort level–change how your family connects and change even the hearts of your children. You will hear it in their words and in their prayers.
And AS IF the handful of folks interested in getting plugged in wasn’t enough–which is HUGE…one precious family came to ask about Henry and his surgery. We shared how it was still a need and how Wiphan went ahead to have it done–and together they made the decision to cover his surgery! SO THANKFUL and amazed at what God can do through one family saying yes to Him. Never underestimate how God can use your family to impact and change the lives of orphans!
Please join us in praying for Mary and that her surgery will also be covered! Thank Him with us for His provision over the 450 orphans–He always provides and I am always amazed at how He chooses to do so. If you have a creative idea in how to help with Mary’s surgery–join us in serving these kids…no matter how little or big–the Lord I know will bless the heart and purpose of the giver. Some are called to go while other to give. Thankful for Stacy who is already there and the 2 families now preparing to go for longterm. If you would like to get involved with Wiphan in any way–please connect with us through the Wiphan website! I hope to be able to share that Mary’s surgery is also covered in the weeks ahead!!!
Hope y’all are all having an amazing weekend!!!
by admin
Hi My name is Jenna, and I came across your site. It is wonderful what your family is doing.
Your kids are beautiful princesses, handsome prince’s, cute blessings, special earthly angels, and precious gifts and miracles.
I was born with a rare life threatening disease, developmental delays, and 14 other medical conditions.
Here is a new poem I wrote, it’s called it takes courage:
It Takes courage to love
Like a dove
It takes courage to fight,
It takes courage to do what’s right
It takes courage to stay strong,
When things go wrong
It takes courage to write a song
It takes courage to live
It takes courage to give
It takes courage to fight this beast
It takes courage to be brave
It takes courage to smile and wave
It takes courage to keep positive
Keep on fighting!
It takes courage to win!