“Too many want to jump from one mountain top of joy to the next…FAITH…faith is richer than that.” -Crawford Loritts
Today’s message at church was on faith. ENDURING FAITH. Faith that holds strong…even when what we believe were God’s promises to us here on Earth–might not be fulfilled here on Earth. My pastor asked THIS question:
What if God told you that you were going to go through excruciating suffering and not experience God’s healing in this lifetime?? Would you still believe in Him? Would your faith still stand?
Because the truth is this…
…not all God’s people experience deliverance.
…not all God’s people reach their promised lands.
…destitution will not stop those who have true faith in Jesus…they will keep going.
…FAITH is NOT about experiencing healing. It’s about God’s glory.
Can I pray, “Lord, if you will receive more glory by not healing me…then your will be done?”
Will I believe Jesus in spite of the outcome???
I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t struggle with fear. I get online and start researching about Lyme disease…which I’m convinced is one of the most unknown, undiscovered, uncertain diseases out there. One doctor will tell you it’s impossible to have in the South. Another will tell you he sees it EVERY day, and it’s all over the place. I’ve tested that I have this for 2 different doctors–and according to tests I’ve had it for over a year so it’s considered chronic. Some will say it’s treatable with iv antibiotics for 6 months – 1 year. BUT most still have it after and they go the naturopath route–which is where I’m starting…which also have my medical doctors a bit jaw dropped that year long iv antibiotics is backup to natural meds. I’m anxious for my checkup on December 7th to see if it’s going away–and then I get to grace the infectious disease doctors on December 8th for more tests. (I certainly do NOT want to bore you with my health detour…so for those of you who are friends and want to keep up…don’t want to be an old folk always talking about their ailments…SO I’ll be posting my timeline/updates for things under Our Journey and then under Our Detour). I hear stories of people who were quickly and incredibly healed from Lyme–and then I hear stories of people who didn’t get the treatment they needed when they did–and they…well, they don’t do so well. And I was sitting there…with all of this on my mind…as I listened to this message…wanting…well, wanting everything to be okay and good and to jump to the next mountaintop of joy and quickly. I have 4 children…I have this…I need to be well for that…BUT–really…it’s NOT about ME.
I scribbled on my notes…
Whatever that means. Be glorified…whatever you want to do. Be glorified.
Do you know how hard that is for ME to write?
“It takes more faith to endure rather than escape. Faith enables us to turn from the world and to walk toward God.” -Crawford Loritts
and then.
The pastor asked this…
Are you willing to glorify God if He never changes your situation??
Yes, I am.
And I want to take my children with me on this journey…so they will see…see Him be glorified.
I have to take them with me…so they will know Him more with me.
And I can’t just teach them to trust and believe Him when everything works out. They are watching…they are listening. If I am JUST trusting God to heal me, then what am I teaching and passing on to my children if He doesn’t?? This is a race. And not just a marathon…but a relay. I will run toward Jesus. And I want to pass them the baton–no matter how He answers this phase of the game–and I want them to run too.
What a tragedy it would be if we ran hard and fast–to only pass the baton to the next runner behind us…our children…and to have them sit down and rest…or leave the race all together. My words can’t just be, “Let’s trust God to heal and wait to see Him do it!” Sure–I want to trust God and pray for His healing…but I want my words to also be, “Let’s pray that no matter what happens–that God is glorified…that others see God in a new, real way…that the hard things He places in our race–will allow others to be comforted…and even begin to run with us! We ask for a God story! We place this in your hands, and we want in expectation for all you will do to shine your glory to the world!”
So they will be strengthened…built up…encouraged…and children of ENDURING FAITH.
I will not worry about tomorrow–for tomorrow has enough troubles of it’s own. (Matthew 6:34) And for now…my focus will remain one of the greatest eternal investments the Lord has set before me–preparing my children to grab the baton and run themselves. The Lord has shaped my sweet children with hearts that love Him and desire to bring Him glory. And speaking of…this momma has some finishing touches for a little girl who’s turning 6 this weekend…who insisted on a “Praise God Party”. I can’t think of a better time in our lives to celebrate…and can’t wait to share her birthday full of praise with you all…
by admin
Thanks for writing this. I remember the night before I delivered in Annabelle and we were in the hospital, we prayed that whatever situation would play out in the morning (morning would tell us if we had to deliver annabelle or not) that we just wanted the situation to be what would glorify Him most. To this day, I will tell you I have suffered more than with any other thing i’ve gone through since losing Annabelle, just today even I had a VERY hard day BUT I cling to the fact that God chose what gave Him most glory and that was bringing Annabelle home. So I hurt and ache and miss her and wonder all the things I will miss in her life because she is no longer here BUT I also pray and hope for to see how God uses her short little life for His glory and to one day realize all that was done for His glory because of her and I will get to see her again because of the beautiful hope I have in Him!
Hi there! I saw your blog, from a friend if mine’s. I just wanted to let you know, I’ll be praying for you!! I really appreciate this blog post!
You have no idea how MUCH I needed to read this today. Our message this morning was quite similar. It was about being thankful – even in suffering. Our pastor read the song in Chronicles that the army sang before going out to meet the enemy… “Give thanks to the Lord for his mercies endure forever.” Then the pastor said, “we can ALWAYS say that. Even if we suffer – God’s mercies endure. If we’re asked to sacrifice for Jesus – his mercies endure.” It was just what my heart needed. I will email you more details soon. But just know that I can relate to this more than you can imagine right now! love you friend!!!
Hi Andrea,
I stumbled upon your Blog sometime ago as we are awaiting our 2 little boys from Ethiopia to come home anytime.I read your post about Lyme and i want you to know my 15 yr old Daughter has had Lyme w/ co infections since July she is very sick and is being home tutored. It is a long hard road but you can get well again!Find a Lyme literate Dr.Many Dr.s are illerate to Lyme .Google Under our skin and watch this documentary.also http://www.ilads.org http://www.LymeDiseaseAssociation.org/ http://www.LYMEandTICK-BORNEDISEASES.org/ Igenex lab in California for through testing if you ever want to contact me my email is jusb777@hotmail.com my name is Melissa .I will be Praying for you !Your blog is inspirational and i love to read it 🙂
Hey…I hesitate to comment yet again on your blog…I know you are a popular and busy lady with lots going on…but I just want you to know you encourage me. Today I don’t know how to do the waiting well…yesterday I did…today…I am weak. So thanks for the reminder to keep the faith. It seems I need Faith like an IV drip one day and the next I could hand it out to someone else who needs it.
Lately I just keep hoping that everyone/anyone who is affected by our wait in any way will give glory and praise to the Lord because I so badly want that above anything else, even, yes, even having my son and daughter home with me. May He be SO glorified in your illness and in our wait. Amen?
Wow, that is very humbling to read. May the Lord continue to bless you and yes, I pray for healing too! To God be the glory in ALL things!
Andrea, this post was SO good for me to read! It related so well to my life right now. Thank you for sharing and challenging us! I plan to re-read this again tonight to let the truths sink in. 🙂