Just a few things we did this weekend…
Lamb cupcakes for kids dessert…

We took our planting seeds on Good Friday to a whole new level! It started out looking like this…
In the end stages looked more like this…
Rich finished it up and thanks to the inspiration and kit from “Gardens to Gro” we’re adding more home-grown veggies to our planting list this year. Rich and the kids planted more herbs in our tiered herb garden, and next weekend we’ll be adding sand, compost, soil and lots of veggie seeds here. No more bunnies helping themselves (we hope) with this nifty structure:)
And finally…celebrate as we welcome Ulrich a new brother in Christ into the body of Christ! Ulrich is one of our cashier’s at our local Kroger. He shared the good news with me today that yesterday he trusted Christ as His Savior and was baptized. Ulrich is from Camaroon, Africa–and I loved that he was so excited to share this news with anyone and everyone coming through the grocery line. He practically shared the gospel with me as I bought corn chips for a yummy corn dip I made—and what a sweet reminder how the Lord is working all around us. Praise be to God this Easter season!
HAVE A BLESSED WEEK AHEAD! And join us for daily readings by going to www.oneyearbibleonline.com and click on the “One Year Chronological Bible” on the left hand side. You can also sign up for RSS feeds to your google blog reader on the right OR even for the daily scripture reading to be emailed or texted to you! Very cool. Let each day ahead be one with the risen Savior in your hearts seeking Him daily—because through our ups and downs…He is the only thing that remains constant. And therefore…the only thing I can cling to with confidence!
by admin
That garden bed is so AWESOME!!! Definitely going to look into that! We don’t have time for a huge garden anymore but LOVE having the fresh veggies and goodies! That looks sooo cool!
And what a joyous blessing to have a friend that was baptized and is sharing his testimony with EVERYONE! What an example to the rest of us! 🙂 Glad you had a fabulous weekend. Need to e-mail and catch up! ♥ God Bless!