FIRST–I’ve been totally MIA due to retreat craziness!!! We thought we’d have this really fun retreat for 50 mommies…and it’s turned to almost 200…so after a few last minute folks slide in to keep it under 200…we’ll start a waitlist. We want to keep the number lower (although 200 is big!) so we can really bless and pour into these mommies–and so they can REALLY connect with one another! I’m thinking next year we’ll need to have REGIONAL retreats! I’ll only be facilitating the one in the South though;). between the craziness of planning the retreat of the century for adoption mommas…we have been invaded at our house. Be afraid people—be VERY, very afraid…
I’ll spare you the costume showing now—but our whole family is dressing up in Star Wars theme for Halloween (someone has asked me to post on Halloween–not touching it people…we dress up for FUN and stay away from creepy)None of my kids have seen the movie–but Parker is obsessed with Star Wars legos right now! I think Rico Suave will be a Clone War character…but it does look good on Frankie baby doesn’t it?!
In other news at our house to add to the craziness…Our little ITY was asked to be in the movie Fast and Furious and to play Vin Diesel’s son. We said no though. Ok…I was THIS close to taking him down for filming…it would have been 3 days of filming a nursery scene—BUT…
1. I don’t think he looks that much like Vin Diesel…even if he has an African American wife in the movie.
2. It would mean 3 days of no naps and babysitters for the other kids.
3. ATTACHMENT! I don’t think it would be good for attachment to have all these crazy strangers holding him and lights…cameras…action. AND isn’t that movie R rated? SO…we opted out. Casting director wasn’t very happy with us–but I told him we aren’t Hollywood people and I was sure the other baby in line would be perfect.
Can you believe the funny things we get into?! Just sayin—I always have a good story!!!
And SPEAKING of movies…GET THIS action. I’m so not kidding either. SO…MONDAY my kids are playing outside when my neighbor RUNS in my house and says, “You might want to tell Parker and Laney to come inside RIGHT now!!!” So…I call them in. My sweet neighbor who saw all the action witnessed a wreck just in front of our hood. Man hits lady in his car–jumps out and hands her a wad of money and tells her not to call POlice. She starts to call anyway—man grabs lady cell phone and runs into our hood. Neighbor runs to my house to tell me to get P and L inside. We lock doors. Helicopters start. 2 hours later…Police still looking—I need to get my kids to P’s soccer—so we run out and leave and wait to come back with Rico Suave. Thankfully they found the guy…and all is well again. And this was NOT a movie. Craziness. Just had to tell you that story.
AND then…as if we didn’t have enough going on…last night–I put P and L in the van to go to Trader Joes (we love Trader Joes!). My kids love looking for the bear in Trader Joes and getting to pick out a treat from the treasure chest when they find him! SO…we were going to Trader Joes and I decide to run in Office Max to get ink for my printer to print out all YOUR registration forms for the retreat. BUT we never made it inside (and I STILL need printer ink) because there was a little baby bird on the sidewalk that had been hurt:(. Parker, Lane and I sat with him for awhile…and when we realized he wasn’t going any where without help–we got the Office Max man to give us a box. THEN we went to the Pet Smart on the other side of Trader Joes to ask them for help. They said he was a poor little hurt bird—they checked him out–and they said they thought he would live but he’d need some TLC. The man there offered to let him stay…and we tried to walk away.
Parker’s heart couldn’t do it though. His voice started to crack and he told me how worried he was about this bird…and now—well…we have this in our house…
We have been talking a lot about the BEST place for this bird once he gets better…and reasoning with what we should do—but for now–he needs to get better here…We have a soft spot for little ones that need some extra love—and although I said we’d NEVER have pets as long as we had babies in diapers…we now have Princess Tiger…Parker and Laney have argued over the sex of the bird–Laney says her name is Princess–and Parker says his name is Tiger…
Isaac LOVES Princess Tiger and is saying “Bir, Bir, Bir!” And Frankie baby…well, he loves showing him anything and everything…how precious is Frank here showing Princess Tiger his lego tire?!
As if one new pet wasn’t enough—Laney went on a girls outing with Aunt Nisia and came back with this…The fishy’s name is Sparkles–and Laney wants me to tell you all that Sparkles is BOTH a girl AND a boy. Hmmmm…interesting;).
Alright folks! That’s all the craziness I’ve got for ya today!!! Can’t wait to meet the approximately 200 of you who are comin’ to the retreat in February…now—maybe TONIGHT getting ink for my printer will actually happen!
P.S. Please tell me that someone laughed when they saw the word Lylas;-)
by admin
I totally just DID laugh! :))
I laughed and had a flashback to 6th grade
i am in LOVE with your bird. the name is precious!
how cool that you turned down the fast and furious movie. i would have trouble turning down fame in any form.
I’ve had a couple of little wild birds. One was found in a parking garage at a mall, with no feathers yet. I thought he would die, but put him on tissues or something in my car so he wouldn’t get squished or die on the concrete. Just in case, we bought formula at the pet store in the mall, and…weeks later, we had a happy, healthy sparrow on our hands. As he got bigger, we took him outside for feedings and free time, and he gradually started to fly a bit. Then would fly off for a while, then he eventually decided he was independent enough to stay out on his own. Same thing with a little robin our family rescued once (and he stuck around that summer to sing & let us know he was ok, after he moved out to the trees). Hope all goes well!
Okay, Andrea, your life is officially way more exciting than mine. And you officially have way more integrity than me regarding putting ITY in that movie!
That was some great laughs Andrea, thank you for sharing your crazy with us!
Although I have to admit I STILL think your crazy for turning down that movie! My hubby’s jaw dropped to the floor! (We love Vin over here 😉
You absolutely MUST find the Andy Griffith episode where Opie … (well you’ll just have to find that part out for yourself) and he raises the 3 orphaned baby birds, naming them Winkin, Blinkin and Nod. If memory serves, after Opie is pursueded that the birds need to be set free and the deed is done, he says something like, “Paw, that cage seems mighty empty.” and Andy responds with something like, “Yep! But don’t the trees seem mighty full?” BTW,I’m no bird expert but my money is on Princess Tiger being a male. 😉
yes, laughed at lylas…but you HAD to have auditioned for the part, right?? where are you going for these movie auditions..or do you send in a pic?? I want LL in movies…Imean, come on..i could give the $ away to people adopting 🙂 too funny…cute post, kj
YES! I sent in a picture—didn’t audition…but I just chickened out when we actually got picked!!!
Am I the only one who doesn’t know what “lylas” means? Maybe I’m not from the right generation (I’m 43). Please someone fill me in on the inside joke!
LOVE your blog. I stalk your blog regularly, I admit it (I live in Marietta and like to see the places and events that you talk about that I recognize, that’s kinda fun! – not to mention your AMAZING photos)…but I HAD to de-lurk today to ask this question. I realize that you have many, many readers here, not to mention an international presence through Wiphan, etc…but my goodness…what a presence you must have if a casting director was aware of your precious ITY! Perhaps his story is more far-reaching than you knew? (I’m sure there might be a far more boring, mundane explanation…perhaps Frank’s previous acting experience, etc…but I’m choosing to believe otherwise!) What a lovely family you have! I always enjoy your uplifitng words and encouraging spirit!
Your life is insane Andrea. I love the you somehow fine the time to organize a retreat for 200 women…yet still have the patience in your heart to let your kids love on a baby bird. Truly amazing. I’m feeling inspired…as I always do after I read your blog. 🙂
I’m sad I won’t be able to do the retreat this year but hopefully there will be another one next year and I would LOVE to attend! What an awesome idea .. I tried to make it work:(
LYLAS made me smile… and so did this great post!!! I cannot believe there will be 200 women at the retreat, how awesome!!! Now February just get here faster!!!! On my way to my OBGYN tomorrow for a letter requested from AGCI to accompany our application!!! Hope to have it all in to AGCI next week!!!!! AAHHHHH!!!! This is really starting to happen!!!! I am both scared and completely excited!!!! (:
So wish I could attend the retreat that I keep hearing so much about. We’ll be probably traveling again in January to bring our daughter home! Amazing the need for such a weekend!!! I’d love to help plan one up around the Ohio area, except that would mean that I wouldn’t get to meet all of you next year! We’ll see when that time rolls around. Praying that all the plans come together as I know God has his hand on this weekend!!!!!!
We are back from Fall Break in Borneo and I am obviously way behind the latest news in blog world. I think it is a good thing that I missed the original conference post and that it filled up quickly. Cause I would have been really upset about missing the chance to hang out with you! Ya know … cause I LYLAS and all!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,