Well, it’s here. After four months of planning, the Created for Care adoption momma retreat is here. I wish I could tell you every thing the Lord has in store–but I only know a taste of it. And what I do know–I am humbed and amazed by. There are so many details that the Lord […]
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Category Archives: Created for Care Adoption Retreat![]() SO…the countdown is on people–it’s on like Donkey Kong. And I am SO stinkin’ excited to meet 257 of my soon-to-be new VBFFs this weekend! Ok…truly its 250 new VBFFs…BUT if you count the audio people (who get the pleasure of having me ask questions EVERY day) and Karl our resort planner (who thinks April, […] wow, that might be the sweetest gift EVER!! wow..so thoughtful, kj great post. love the pics. my isaac LOVES our dog too!how sweet of her to send those gifts to you and your children! I LOVED the chalkboard story and now im really wishing we had an IKEA near us! I would have loved to join you girls this year but it didnt work out. I hope you all have a WONDERFUL time and if this ever happens again I will try hard to be there! What amazing friends God has put into your life! A true blessing from Him! ๐ Can’t wait to hear all about the retreat! Okay….i definitely needed that this morning!!! Don’t you just love ikea??? We have the same pillow;). Oh, and the poem…you had me crying before 7!!! So praying that we have a picture to show you on friday Please pray we can make it to the airport on Friday…we’ve got about 3/4 inch of ice and expected to get 20 inches of snow on top of it today…….I NEED to get to GA on Friday to be with you all!!! Oh sweet Andrea, it was just something little. You pour into all of us out here in bloggy land…just wanted something to let you know we care and value you, your heart, your realness and your love for God! I have learned so much through you and your encouragement has been incredible! I am so glad that you loved “He giveth more grace” My Nanna use to sing this old hymn growing up…she was such a godly woman who loved with everything she had! So. special. for. me. that you are using this at the retreat cause you know my HEART will be there and will be praying for all my fellow adopting mommas! Can’t wait to hear all about it…I want DETAILS!!! xoxo Caytie God is going to do some amazing things at the retreat…can’t wait to hear about it:) What a precious gift from Caytie! And I have to tell you I got our Seeds CD in the mail yesterday…we are obsessed with it! Gotta blog about it today and send people over here to get the coupon code! We heart Seeds!!! I REALLY want to be insanely jealous- ok so I am…..due to our ‘big announcement’ that is coming out Saturday- I knew I couldn’t come to the retreat. So I will deal with it, but I am still jealous!!!! PRAYING for all the AWESOME WOMEN that will be there and be refreshed for GOD! Loving all the many countless hours you have put in over a LOOONNNGGG time to do this. LOVE seeing the many Blessings the Lord is pouring over your sweet spirit! NOW just so you know being camp directors for 11 years- I GET how much work goes into what you are doing. On top of your Wiphan work, and being a mommy! So know that we have been and will continue to pray for this to be AMAZING OUTPOURING OF GOD!!! BLESSINGS on this very special weekend…..and hoping and praying that one day- I can actually meet you for real to just give you and your sweet family a hug ๐ your posts always encourage me. though this one kind of depressed me since i don’t have an ikea. that pillow is awesome. ๐ love your creativity! 1. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! Fun! My buddy Erica will be there having fun for me! : ) Loved this post! Thanks mucho! Isn’t it amazing how God uses others to lift us up at exactly the right times? Praying for an amazing, relaxing, fun-filled, spirit-filled (pajama friendly) retreat for all! Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 I have never experienced fatique and the weight of burdens more in my life than after we brought home our newest son. Would he be okay? What would he be like […] your posts are always so encouraging! thank you so much for your research and heart! i am also checking because i ordered a t shirt i believe before xmas and haven’t received it yet and wondered if there was a mistake, i know that my card was charged though. thank you andrea. Very grateful, Sara Thank-you for sharing such a beautiful post… I am so glad to have stumbled upon your blog which is also beautiful! We have three littles (2 bios babes and 1 Ethiopian princess) and we are in the process of adopting again from ET… twins this time… I look forward to reading along on your blog! Praying for you, and all those involved in the making of the retreat, as you prepare in these final weeks. =) Oh this momma’s heart is just so excited!!! Can’t wait to “go to the well” and refill!!! Another beautiful post. Well…here they are ladies!!! Ready to see the list of sessions we’ve been working on…trust me–these are reason enough to miss updates on Frankie baby and ITY’s daily craze. I am super pumped about what God has in store for these ladies–and as a result…their FAMILIES too! Here you go…the breakouts for Created for Care […] This sounds incredible!! Canada is a bit too far away to make the trek but I am and will continue to be praying for each of the women who attend! God’ blessings on you as you continue to prepare and plan… each and every one of those break outs sound amazing…i am so bummed i am missing this but we just couldnt swing it. I have a question…is there anyway even if its in rough form, these sessions could be taped so that those of us who could not make it but are eagerly wanting to learn the same info could buy the tape/CD of the messages? Okay … I am soooo jealous. Just keeping it honest. Hong Kong has NEVER seemed so far away. WOW!!!! This covers all topics while keeping God right where He needs to be, in the center of it all! I used to organize seminars/speak before becoming a SAHM & I have to say that everyone involved in organizing this deserves some serious APPLAUSE! I am so thankful that there are people who are willing to sacrifice their time to help families who are about to embark on this rewarding journey. I will be praying that this is a spirit filled event that fills these mommas up. You have done an absolutely FANTASTIC JOB!!!! Thanks so much to everyone who has sacrificed so much to make this happen!The sessions all looks wonderful, you are making a difference for eternity! ๐ Andrea this sounds amazing. I echo April…would LOVE to be able to order a CD of the messages since I cannot attend. Any way that could happen? We are working on this!!! BUT there is special a/v, mics, etc when recording and to do this 13 times…hits a cost between $10,000 and $15,000. I had no idea! BUT we ARE working on it:) No promises…but we are praying and hoping! ![]() WHEW!!! You know if I ever skip a few days blogging…it’s because I’m busy as a bee–and that I have been!!! I’ve been not only chasing my 4 littles 6 and under—but also packaging tee-shirts to fundraise for the retreat (other than the hotel the adoption moms coming only had to pay $100 for the […] The website looks so GREAT!!! And just reading about the break out sessions gave me chills!! I am so excited about the weekend I can’t stand it!!! ๐ the break out sessions look amazing! we can only pick one from group? how will i ever chose? Ahhhh! I’m sooo excited! Everything looks sooo amazing! Its going to be so hard to choose! When do we sign up? ๐ Hey Andrea! I will be driving to the retreat from the most northern part of Indiana (right on the Michigan state line) and I could not be more excited!! God’s timing for this “break” is perfect! As I spent some time with the Lord this morning, I read Matthew 10:28-30…and of course, I love the last part of those verses…”So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” God is good! Can’t wait to “meet” you and all of the other moms! Can’t wait to be there! Thank you for all the work you’re doing to make this weekend so special for all of us. ๐ I am so sad I am missing this! You are SUCH a gem! Thank you for ALL that you are doing to make this such a special weekend! I am SO excited to be joining all of you! May God uplift you and strengthen you as you take all of this on on our behalf! Bless you! I am really looking forward to the reatreat!! ๐ I can’t wait to learn from and share with others who are on a similar journey!! Thank you for all of your hard work!! I KNOW the weekend will be a blessing for all involved! I have not stopped talking about this since I read the different breakouts yeterday! :0) I think my husband wishes it was this weekend just so I would stop saying how excited I am to be going!! I’m praying for renewed energy for you every morning between now and then!!! The breakouts sound amazing! I can’t wait to meet you and all these other Mamas! I can’t wait for this retreat! |
by admin
OH MY GOODNESS!! I am so tired and should be in bed, but just decided to peek to see if you had anything last minute before the retreat. I cannot believe the Lord has given you that Psalm. Just this week I was meditating on that. It has all new meaning for me, a weary mom, these days. I am SO looking forward to meeting you. Thank you for all that you’ve put into this retreat!!
I will continue to pray for this glorious weekend that He so perfectly orchestrated through beautiful women that Care to be the hands and feet of Jesus – to spread His word, to encourage, to love, to never give up. Loving you ….
Oh how beautiful. And oh how I wish I was going to be in attendance.
Instead, you can count on my faithful prayers for all of the retreat Mommas.
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
oh such sweet true words. Thank you for sharing and for living them out. Praying for you this weekend too!
Thank you for these words, Andrea! I cannot wait to be with other like-minded mamas this weekend!
So excited for all HE is doing!!! Please let me know if/how I can order CD’s if that is an option. Praying for all the details and all the hearts that will be there!
~Angie Donaldson
P.S. LOVE the part about it not being too late to pickup your sticks and move them closer…great visual!
Oh how I needed this today! Thank you SO much for your encouraging words! Wish I could be there:)!
after reading this post it makes me even sadder that i won’t be able to be there this weekend, but you will all be in my prayers. i know it will be a blessing to those who go and next year, after my little ones have been home for a while, i will be able to attend what will hopefully be an annual event. your words or more importantly God’s word blessed me today.
Thanks so much for sharing this. A friend of mine told me about your blog. We are in the homestudy phase of adopting from Ethiopia. I really needed to read your words and even more the Word that you shared. Thank you. I pray your retreat is wonderfully refreshing and full of Him!
I have been praying for you all this weekend! I really wish I could have been there! Let me know if I can order any CDs! I would love that! I love what you wrote about Ps. 84. It was so encouraging to me, as I have been discouraged this week with the journey! And, just this morning my kids and I were belting out “Better is one Day….” So, I loved reading this! God is so sweet and so intentional to us.
I pray the Lord blesses you a million-fold Andrea for creating the opportunity for all of us ladies to gather and be refreshed and informed this past weekend! As testimonies were being shared…I realized just how life-changing this weekend was! So many received fresh revelation of how much they are dearly loved by the Father. That alone is HUGE!!! I came away with fresh hope, a new parenting focus, a greater understanding of my precious daughter, and revelation from the Lord showing me more of who I am in Him! All that and more in about 2 days :). God is amazing!! It was so fun rooming with you and getting to know you a bit better too!!
May the Lord truly bless you my new friend!!