We’re baaaaaaccccckkkkk! Me and my small group mommas Angie, Laura and Kimberly…they ALSO 3 of my dearest adoption mommas friends. LOVE doing life with these girls!! It was an amazing weekend! I truly felt the Lord leading and guiding all the way through it. How wonderful it is to step back in a room of […]
by admin
Just wanted to let you know that I had such an amazing experience at C4C retreat. I truly felt God’s presence and heard Him speak to me. Thank you so much for all you and your team did to create this retreat. Looking forward to applying what I learned and claiming NOT ONE of my children will fall away from the Lord.
Thank you!
I was at the retreat this weekend and cannot tell you enough how much of a blessing it was! We are in the process of adopting our first child and I will always treasure the new relationships this retreat provided me with!! Thanks for everything you did! You touched SO many!
it was wonderful. you guys did amazing. . . and your dance skills on the stage. . . . priceless.
how amazing He is. so thankful someone provided the money. what a blessing, indeed.
You girls ROCK! The weekend surprised my wildest dreams. Finally meeting you face to face was like meeting my long lost little sister. Feeling so blessed that I was the one sitting next to you at dinner when you received the check. Truly a gift from above.
Love & Blessings, “HK” Kim
I wanted to approach you all weekend to tell you thank you for putting all this together. I can’t tell you how much this weekend ministered to my heart. I had told my husband before I left for Atlanta that I was almost afraid of what God would reveal to me this weekend because I was afraid it would require me to step off the path I thought we had.
And God did ask me to. Through your story of being told to wait (while my heart said “See. You’re not the only one He does that to.”) and the quiet moments I had to pray I recognized so much of God’s guidance in my life that I’ve been ignoring because it didn’t work with what I wanted Him to be calling me to. Thank you for the retreat and the reminder to listen and the reassurance that He’s not misspeaking when He tells me to be still.
Andrea, you are just such a BLESSING!!! The weekend was absolutely amazing! It was just what I needed in the middle of our long adoption wait! THANK YOU for your willingness, obedience and sacrifice to do what God has called you to do! He is using to touch so many lives…including mine! Love ya, sweet friend!
I am so thankful you were obedient and started Created For Care! I have not yet been, but am praying it works out that I can get there in March! It sounds like it was an amazing retreat and a blessing to so many! Praise God!!
Just wanted to stop in and say a huge thank you. Really. It was worth flying across the country and God did so many things for me this weekend. I knew you were super busy and probably handling more than we could ever imagine behind the scenes, so I didn’t say as much in person but definitely wanted to follow up here and let you know I heard nothing but positive comments from full and thankful hearts.
God bless.
LOVE this update. 🙂 PRAYED for all the amazing mommas attending and those serving so faithfully behind the scenes. What a sweet reminder of His GOODNESS that HE CARES not only for the ones that were said YES to, but also the MOMMAS who said YES.
I am SO excited for the March retreat!!!!! 🙂
Just wanted to say thank you all so much for this wonderful past long weekend at the amazing Created for Care retreat! I am Kelly’s mom and this was my second year and it was just an awesome experience ! EACH session was so GOD filled and every bit of the experience will be cherished in my heart always ! As meaningful as it is to have precious Silas home from AGCI – Hannah’s Hope — this adds to our spiritual journey ! YOU and your volunteers were amazing! the Lodge is pure heaven ! from the decorations to the amazing food to wonderful band to incredible speakers !! Pure JOY! We all will LOVE big and big love to you all who made it possible ! Terri Robertson who treasured this time with my daughter !!