To say my heart has been on a roller coaster these last few weeks is an understatement. So much revealed…so many things to pray about–and ultimately…Richard and I feel the Lord directing us in the direction He led us to 6 months ago. China. It’s hard for this momma to discern exactly what we are […]
by admin
I’ve been lurking for a while, and have been enjoying your blog very much! Thank you for sharing your journey. I do think there are times when we want to say “yes,” but also hear God saying “wait.” We have been in two different adoption programs, considered a third, and also looked into foster care. Each time, somehow the door was closed. While I have longed for more children and have a heart for orphans, I am trusting that this just isn’t the time, that our son, as you put it, needs us a little bit more right now. In the meantime, I am trying to keep an open heart and an open ear to what God might have in store. It is sometimes frustrating, not knowing what the future will look like, but I am trying to trust. 🙂 Praying that the Lord continues to soften and mold our hearts, and to lead our families to the children he has chosen to put in our care.
I’ll be praying for you friend! It’s such a long hard road, but the end result is nothing short of miraculous (you know this already)… We fell in love with a little boy named Jacob while in Uganda 2 summers ago. I keep in touch with an “auntie” that works at his orphanage & it SO breaks my heart that he is still there! He was not adoptable & now he is, a few Ugandan families are apparently interested in adopting him, but nothing final yet. So there he sits, 3 years old STILL with no family and we had it in our hearts that he was ours. SO heartbreaking!! Now that adoption is in our hearts, it will be there forever. I was at a birthday party a few weeks ago & there was a foster mother there with her newest baby girl & the first thing I asked was, “Is she adoptable?” Bless you and your family!!!
Love your heart Andrea! So excited to see where the Lord leads your family…and especially WHO he leads your family to. I stand expectant with you for all that He will unfold in the days ahead…
Love your heart for orphans and adoption, Andrea! Can’t wait to see who HE adds to your family!!!
Oh my goodness I’m rolling in my own tears right now. I cannot begin to tell you how much I needed to read this post! I show my husband images… faces on the screen nightly. I want to bring them home…I would gladly say yes to ALL of them. But God has taught me so much these past couple of months about being STILL… listening to where He is calling us [US], our family! Its hard… its VERY hard… but I trust Him! Thank you for sharing… I needed to hear this this morning!
I long for some of these answers myself – the “why” about closed doors. The “why” to different callings. Learning to see that we are all the body of Christ, each with a direction that He has for each of us. Accepting closed doors is hard – continuing to learn to keep listening and to be still, willing and ready to say Yes. Loved this post.
Andrea, A friend sent me here and I am so glad. We are going through a similar adoption decision right now. I can’t tell you how comforting to find someone who has traveled this same road. Please come by for a visit sometime! I’d love it if you said hello!
I’m excited to hear for more update about the adoption.
God bless you always.
Cassy from Guitar Made Easy
jill douglas hathcock is a close friend of mine (and i was a sorority sister with your sister!) and told me about your blog a while back. so i’ve been reading off and on and just wanted you to know i’m encouraged on TONS of levels… but really excited watching this latest adoption journey. we are currently adopting from china too and love watching other families in the process 🙂 praying for how the rest of this unfolds!
robyn kown