Today has been a good day. A day where our hearts connected. The “mama’s” spoken were filled with peace and joy. And as we prepare for our last and final home study to bring home another child through the miracle of adoption–I can’t help but reflect on the last 15 months home with our son. […]
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Beautifully written, Andrea. xo
Thank you, Andrea =)
home from church today with sickness, but still worshiping as i read a post like this. just before i read this, i was praying about what the lord has for our future re:adopting again. i was telling him that i just don’t know if i can do it. i fall so short day after day in the “easy” everyday ways i am called to die to myself. but reading your words, i was reminded that is is NOT about me. if he calls, he WILL equip…even this hopelessly selfish and impatient little momma.
thanks for sharing your life and heart with us. it’s so beautiful. can’t believe i get to meet you in january!!! please let me know if there is anything you need.
While I sit GLUED to your words and read them over and over, I am so in awe of your faith, love, patience, kindness and gentleness, Andrea. You are truly in His presence during these times and He holds your hand. I pray that He continues to hold your hand as you bring that precious little girl to your loving arms. God bless you today and always and God bless you, special little girl, as you wait for your mommy. Love you….
You have practically spoken my heart in words (way better than I would get it down on paper). It is hard, but so very beautiful, so amazing the love for us as children of God. We too are in the process the second time, and you said why so well. It has been hard and amazing…and He has called us again. We have learned from mistakes, grown immeasurably in our understanding, and learned to love unconditionally in a way we never knew existed. And to think it is only a glimpse of the love our Father has for us! I will think of your family and pray for you.
I love the arranged marriage analogy–it’s right on! ๐
Loved this. so beautiful, especially about our faithful God. Oh how I cannot wait to start our second adoption!
Andrea- you have no idea…….oh my heart. I totally get it completely!! Sometimes I don’t put it into words as well. But it is there. So why adopt again? Easy…..it’s what we are called to do. We aren’t called to get comfortable. Although that would be great…..actually it wouldn’t because even through all the trials, the hard bits, I wouldn’t have grown nearly as much as I have…..and I wouldn’t get to see the growth in my kiddos- every tiny step!!!!!
We too are adopting again ๐ Special needs domestically!!! WE ARE BEYOND EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh you could have just written about the last 7 months with our son! We sit back now and just watch him and take in all of the little things. Instead of pushing away and screaming, he brings us books to read. Instead of crying, we hear “mee mee”. We feel so incredibly honored and blessed to be this sweet guy’s parents!
Beautifully written, Andrea!!! Thank you for sharing with such truth and grace.
How thoughtfilled ~ So, helpful,honest and dear. My promise to you and you family is I keep you in my prayers daily. You are building the Kingdom of God one child at a time and sharing your walk to encourage others. Blessings and Pax,m
Yes! Can I “like” and say yes to ALL of this?1? So, so VERY hard and so, so VERY different…still wonderful and we are still doing it again too…for all of the very same reasons. Oh boy and the tantrums…Caleb stills has them too and they are such a challenge when out and about…although they have gotten better…there has been progress. I longed for him to look at me…to give me that feedback…I ached for it. It was many long months – but what I realized is that it makes it even sweeter…to see how far he has come – how much he has healed. Really…all of what you said abut Isaac could be Caleb…they sound so similar. Now at night after stories, Caleb will say, “Cuddle,”…and he wants to just sit in my lap and rock before he goes to sleep. Such an amazing and difficult journey and in it, God has shown me so much about myself and also his love for me…His adopted child…
I love your heart, Andrea. Thank you.