Richard asked me yesterday when I was going to pull out the Christmas decorations-and without thinking, “When my son is home” came out of my mouth. “Ang. We’re still gonna have Christmas,” he said laughing under his breath. I know. I know. I KNOW. And you’ll all be proud to know I actually sucked it […]
The Young Family Farm »
Category Archives: Adoption PreparationDearest Baby Z, Today–momma was nesting. I kept telling my heart over and over, “Mama Young, today is Sunday…you must rest.” But my heart–it wouldn’t listen. You see sweet one–mama is nesting. What is nesting you ask sweet baby? Well, if you research it–you will learn that nesting is a momma’s instinct that she has–a […] Didn’t know I needed a good cry till I read this post. Oh sweet friend … my heart is bursting with joy for you. Count on my prayers during your wait for baby Z and beyond! Love & Blessings, Kim I started blogging many years ago…back when Parker man was a baby–and I had a photography business. I started blogging at first–for my clients…to share my work—to share the latest with the business…one that I once loved–and honestly…with my ever growing family…one that I don’t miss. I was working 2-3 days a week–but as our […] Oh you just reminded me of how long the wait will be. Hoping to get our homestudy underway soon!! I love that you blog with no agenda except for praising God and enjoying your time in this space. What better!? Dear Andrea! Angie Carley is my friend, our girls go to school together, let me tell you that I admire you so much, your blogs minister my soul, what you write makes me realize that I have to be a better mom everyday and that we are nothing without Jesus! I cannot wait to meet you at the retreat in January, I have not adopted (yet!) but my husband and I are praying about it! that is the desire of my heart…I wish with all my heart we can adopt one day.. Andrea I wanted to introduce myself. I’ve been reading your blog for over a year now and I enjoy it so much. I love how God centered your family is. Your positive outlook on tough life situations has inspired me many times to check myself. My husband and I are currently in the process of adopting and your blog has helped me keep my spirits up when times may have been a little tough. Please continue what you are doing because it ministers to me (and I’m sure many others) so much. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! SOOO EXCITED FOR YOUR FAMILY :)!!! I have always enjoyed reading so much more than writing, which is why I love stopping by your blog for encouragement and lessons from God, and why my blog has not had a new post in nearly 2 years. We have 2 boys from China and I am so excited to hear about more boys from China joining forever families! Oh Andrea! I love reading your blog! I’m cooped up here in Alaska, and it’s so nice to get some refreshment from other believers around the world. Your words are beautifully written. It’s a great way to “get out” as a sahm. We have received a spoken referral of two boys in the DRC, and hoping to get a hard copy to sign in the next couple days. Can’t wait to travel this long road with you. Blessings couldn’t agree more with the “why do you blog” words. i get heavy hearted for those who have a different agenda. i truly just want to honor god in my writing, and if he grows my blog, then great—if not, then that is okay too. and congrats!!!! oh and P.S. can’t wait to see you at created for care! i’m so excited and counting down the days till the retreat! i need that time so badly! I believe one of the greatest things we can do as parents who have grown their families through adoption is to listen to the voices of families who have gone before us–and children who are now grown who came into their families through adoption too. How do they feel? What are their struggles? Much of […] Praying, Andrea! The paperwork IS hard! I’m just certain that the Lord grants amnesia between adoptions or we’d never do it again, but the end–a child rescued and loved and exposed to the gospel–is WORTH it. God bless you and Richard for chosing the hard road in His name, It is with great joy that I get to share our big news that we are growing again! We’ve known since September 30th that we were growing…and this time it isn’t with pregnancy test…but rather through our hearts skipping a beat when we saw our little one’s face on Rainbow Kids (a site that posts […] Oh Andrea, my heart is just full with tears of JOY for you and your family! And it just builds my own faith seeing how God has used every change, tear and side journey to lead you to your little guy. We’ve seen it in our own journey thus far but as we sit in a period of unknown right now, I am so blessed by seeing His hand in your lives. And maybe I’m biased but I have a sister with 5 in 7 years (her first 2 were 13 months apart) and while there were some busy years for sure, it has been SO much fun and it’s even neater to watch now (they are ages 8 – 15). I’m confident that the same God who has walked every step beside you to this point will continue to be beside you as you work to bring your little guy home and continue to seek Him for your family’s future. Blessings! Blessings on your journey! This is so exciting! Oh!!! I couldn’t be more happy!! I can’t wait to read every detail of your journey and watch God at work! 🙂 Oh Andrea! I LOVED reading all the details! Praise God for how He has called your family! WOW! I am so excited to watch this adoption journey to your SON in CHINA!!! Much love to ya’ll!!! Your post has brought tears to my eyes. I really needed to hear the line about following your husband. Mine has now agreed to another adoption. I too have found a child that I have been praying over. I am trying so hard to be the patient wife who is waiting for my husband to decide. Thanks and blessings to your family!! Beautiful. Tears are dripping into my coffee. So sorry for the hard but blessed to watch God write your story and hear you praise Him in the midst of it all. Congrats! Praying for you and yours. CONGRATS!!! Isn’t it amazing looking back how you can see much clearer that God was in control…that He was faithful? Can’t wait to follow your journey! Such a wonderful story written by God’s hand! Excited for your family! Look forward to following/praying as you wait to bring your son home! Glorious God!! Amazing and beautiful. Praise him for this most precious gift and all the ways he confirmed this for you as you faithfully walked through the hard stuff to get to your son! He makes all things beautiful. Jessica i am rejoicing with you!!! what a beautiful love story of wanting and waiting. so thrilled for your sweet family! Yay!! So happy for you guys. I was so hoping that you would update the blog today. I’ve been waiting, and I had a feeling I knew what it would say! 🙂 We should be travelling next summer to bring home our precious treasure from the DRC. He truly does work all things together for His good. God Is Good!! Such amazing news! So happy for you and the blessings you will know! He will provide everything you need for what He wants you to do. Sure does bring tears to my eyes. I feel like I’m in the same exact boat as you – only God still has us waiting on Him. So hard to let go and trust His plan fully… but I know one day He will show us what He has in store. Praying for you guys and so happy to watch yet another journey. 🙂 |
by admin
This was so good for me to read tonight as we wait for our daughter to come home. We honestly thought she would be with us this Christmas, so the holidays have been tough to be waiting again this Christmas season. It’s foster adoption so we have no clue where she is or even who she is. But I can just really relate to this post!
oh, Andrea!! you have no idea how much these words have spoken to my aching heart this morning!!! I JUST sent a frantic email to our home study agency pleading for our update to be finalized so that we can submit our dossier because our girl is waiting for us!! Don’t they understand? We have to get this done so we can be a step closer to bring her home! And, she is there by herself in an orphanage…it’s just all too much for this momma’s heart… and then… I read your words and felt that gentle whisper … trust in Him. He is enough. Thank you for sharing these words with all of us this morning friend!!!!!!
Praying for all of our kiddos to be surrounded by His presence.
5 years ago today, we had just come home from meeting our son for the first time. We had to wait through December (Christmas!!!) and New Years and then all of February to find out we were finally going back to have court and get custody of our little man. . .it was the longest 3 months of my life!!! And the hardest of all Christmas’ to go through. But, God was more than just good. He was awesome! We have now been home 4 1/2 years with our totally awesome son and am so glad that He made me wait. . .to learn patience (sort of) and to really get clear on what it really meant, in my heart, to be a Mama.
God bless!
Oh, Andrea. Thanks for sharing your heart. I am struggling in much the same way, as this will be the 4th Christmas in a row that I have prayed for and waited on our baby girl. I continue to cry out to the Lord, and He continues to tell me to wait on Him. You are so right…He is enough. Praying that I will cling to Him and to that truth this holiday season.