We had our conference call about travel with our agency’s travel coordinator yesterday. LOVE her. Didn’t love the news we got. It looks like May travel is impossible. His birthday month. Our hope. Our prayer. BUT–between the week of China’s national trade show AND their 4 day break for Labor Day–they are seeing May consulate […]
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Yes, sister! Yes! With all five of our adoptions the battle has raged and we rejoiced because we knew we were running God’s race, not our own! Keep up that good fight and your eyes fixed on Jesus! The victory has already been won and your boy will come home exactly when God planned all along!
Thanks for the update (as much as I know it’s not the news you were praying for or wanting to be updating with) and for sharing your heart and where you’re at in processing and responding to it.
Praying, believing, and trusting with you still!
How can our heart lay in the same place? It amazes me. Of course we are praying for a flight out end of May as well. OUR miracle on top of that, God provides us the rest of our plane ticket money and orphanage donation to have when we leave. I TRUST IN HIM!!! He has perfect timing. But my mommy heart cries at night for her to be in my arms too.
We volenteered at Thrid Day concert last night for world vision. a sweet friend of my Ashley (that happens to be an adoption social worker)AND follows your blog too!! Told me last about the set backs and holidays. It made my heart slow down. She was sharing about you getting ready to travel and I say ” your not talk about Andrea Young are you” She screamed yes! Such a small and supported adoption world.
Know as you comfort me knowing that I am not facing this alone neither are you. God is so much bigger than countries, and laws and holidays and theives, and illness and bugs. As big as 100 million fatherless children to as small as Andrea and LaKasha ‘s hearts. Hold steady mamma…. He is sending us!! LOVE YOU