Dearest children.
One day momma is gonna make this blog into blog-to-book–so you can look back and read all about our crazy. And unfortunately momma hasn’t been able to blog in the last week or so. Gonna try and catch up a bit right now! Oh where do I start. I totally skipped Christmas–mostly because we were all sick this Christmas…and it took us all a week to recover. We’ve been up and rolling now for at least a week–and momma has been a little crazy with taking down Christmas and getting out Valentine’s fun. Really–this is what momma does when she has another baby on the other side of the world. She gets crazy with crafts–some eat…some run…some bite their nails–and this momma…well, she gets out the glue gun. Dangerous and crazy I know–but it’s the way I cope;)
OKAY–so before my craft craziness…Christmas fun.
This is the year you got your zip line…
It would take your daddy well over a week to finally put it up with Mr. Dent. That’s the way daddy rolls you know;). BUT when it finally did go up–you all had such fun. Now Daddy put up a ladder for you to actually get on it. He SAYS he’s gonna build a ladder on the tree too. I’m voting that gets done in a few weeks after mom or Parker falls on the ladder;). NEEDLESS to say–we’re all having fun on it. Even Isaac is having a blast–the little booger still isn’t strong enough with his hypotonia to hold on himself YET…but I bet with lots of practice he will get there!
Laney got cowboy boots–

Isaac got another train set. This is all he ever asks for…Thomas, Thomas and Thomas. And he also got Hotwheels:).

And this is the year I had this grand idea to get an inflatable kayak–so sure that we will go on Friday’s for our fun days–and I needed something I could actually carry to the river. Hoping for lots of fun in this thing come Spring in the South!

Parker just wanted cowboy stuff…he is like his Granddaddy Herb–and if he could just read old westerns and watch old cowboy films–he’d be in heaven.

And sweet Frank. He just asked for Mommy. I am one blessed momma to have 4 precious children!!!
THEN we entered into the NEW YEAR!!! 2013!!! So much exciting things will happen this year! We will bring home your little brother Zeke! We had to redo a document–but now all our paperwork has been resubmitted to the D.C. and EVERYTHING will hopefully head to CHINA this Friday–at the latest next Friday!!! We are moving right along–and now we’ll just wait for LID (long-in dates!). THEN a LOA! We are praying really hard that we will be able to travel in MAY before your brother turns 2. You know I always say a little one should never spend a birthday in an orphanage–so we are doing everything we can to be there! Praying BIG!
And speaking of Zeke–you sweet children pray for him and ask about him EVERY day. Frank and Isaac have about had enough! Isaac asked to wear his China outfit for Zeke the other day…so I popped that right on him and of course I had to grab a few pictures!

It’s really hard to get a picture of Isaac smiling right now. He is beyond silly. I’ll take what I can get:)

When I say SMILE–ITY does this…the little stinker!

And I don’t know what to do with this 3 year old–cause this is what he does when he says Ni Hao:)

AFTER GETTING WELL…we also got to head over to celebrate Christmas and the New Year with Princess T! It was so much fun to be with her and her most precious family!! How blessed we are that we get to continue to be a part of her life!
Fun playing with T and her sweet dog…

Princess T and the kiddos…

Me with Princess T and her momma…

Oh my glory–we had too much fun with her. Watching her show us all the pictures of HER framed in her home…finally–to be framed in a home with family. We got to sit and enjoy a DVD slideshow of her 16 year old portraits to music–and she danced around the room with JOY…the Lord has truly placed her in THE perfect family and it’s so fun to watch her FLOURISH!
In other January news…Loo bear and momma had a girls night out with my sweet friend Shannon and one of Loo’s best friends. They had SUCH fun together–as did we just being with our girls! Loo–one of your FAVORITE things is mommy and me night! So fun to have a mommy and me with these sweet friends!

AND we had to go get our passport photos made for our international dossier that goes off next week…and my picture–well, it’s scary. The lady at Costco wasn’t very happy to be at work. In fact, she scared momma. She said, “Wipe that smile off your face and just look at the camera.” It was rather funny to momma–but trying not to smile…well, it makes me look scary…and like I have really bit lips…Now I’m all worried about what the Chinese embassy might think about this picture…

That photo is courtesy of Daddy’s iPhone. He took a picture of it on the screen at Costco when he went to go pick our photos up–and he texted it to momma to make fun of her:)
THEN…momma who has been a craft slacker-is back in full swing. It’s how she copes I tell you with another little one across the world. Here’s a few of our Valentine’s crafts so far…

Last but not least–this is just a little video to make anyone who actually read this far smile:) REAL life at our house…
Isaac’s bringing a new kind of toboggan…
Loo showing off her dance skills..and a sneak peak on momma’s craziness…(you must know that I don’t know anything about ballet…totally like to pretend I speak French when I talk about her moves:)
And last but not least–Isaac has skills! He is swimming and we’re so proud of our little fish! This is going to make summer so much easier to just need to teach Zeke our little guy to swim!
And my favorite–the thumb’s up!
That’s about all she wrote for the last couple of weeks! I’ll let y’all know when our documents are officially DTC (documents to China!). And then we need to celebrate when we finally get our LID and LOA!!! This mom is SO ready to have her little one home and not miss another day of his precious little life. We have had SO MUCH crazy happen the last couple of weeks as well…and it just has felt like warfare going on…no surprise with a retreat around the corner and being in the midst of adoption. But the Lord is greater–He is stronger and His ways always win. We can trust Him with anything that comes our way. Please pray protection over our littles and our family in the days, weeks and months ahead. And please pray for strength for this momma as she gears up for another retreat for Created for Care.
Oh my–almost forgot! Loo and P-man started a homeschool hybrid at an AMAZING Christian school this week where they will go on Monday and WEdnesday! Then they will continue to be home with me for schooling for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday! Today was their FIRST day–and they loved it. They both made lots of new friends–a little girl shared her popcorn with Loo (her words!) and Parker’s favorite thing was playing 4 corners. And momma–well I stayed at home with Isaac and Frank and we zip lined together, went to the store and had a really fun lunch just me and the preschoolers! Here’s a pic of their first day!
And YES–Parker is wearing a TopGun jacket. He wants to be TopGun one day–I mean…he can be my wingman any time:). But for now–he’s focusing on 2nd grade:).

And that’s a wrap for catching up!!! Hopefully we’ll have big DTC and LID news soon!!!
by admin