And just like that my 3rd baby is NINE. If we had stopped at 3–this would be our LAST year of single digits. Thankful I still have 3 more littles to soak in…but wow these first 3–it just has gone by so, so quickly.
But tonight. Be still my heart. I took in 3 little buddies playing putt-putt and giggles over dinner. Hilarious banter the whole ride home–so innocent and sweet sharing places they had been with their families on trips together. Then they raced in and opened gifts…ahh–another Nerf gun in the mix which means he is STILL little.
Birthdays make me sappy. Because I know this only gets faster. Tonight though–I take in this wrapping paper mess…the running of little feet…tiny shoes on the ground…and basketball sounds outside.
This mom gig is hard–and crazy–and tiring. But then come birthdays. Some times I think they are also for US…to step back, remember and thank God for another year…and letting us be their mommies.
Thank you for messes and the memories that I will cling to forever…and that they are happening right now in our home. Soon–before I know it–this noise, the banter and the connections will move beyond our home more often than in it…and we will get “filled in” rather than be in the middle of the memories. It’s his life–this sweet one who once needed me to eat and survive is growing up so fast right before our eyes. So tonight I’ll soak it in…even if it’s sitting at the bottom of the steps wiping away a tear of thanksgiving–that I get to do this…mess and crazy sports carpool and tired and all. THIS is a holy privilege. So here’s to another year.
Happy birthday dearest Frank. You are going to rock nine my sweet son…the last single digit is going to be the best yet. We love you!