While yesterday’s post was full of things that were hard for us to comprehend–joy did come in the morning.
We started our day making preparations for the conference for the orphans. I really wish that I could describe the details for you. But truly, there are so many aspects that make it jawdropping amazing. Every orphan in our school in grade 3 and higher was invited to today’s conference.
Just minutes before they started arriving…mind you they walked several miles to get here…I stood under our hotel’s pavilion looking at the 350 chairs unaware of the miracles that would take place today.
One by one they trailed in. The dj playing unbelievable Christian music that our Wiphan board member Scott left on a past visit. The chairs were soon filled…and 350 voices began to sing. Aaron, our guitar player, began with songs the children already knew. And then–it was time to teach them a new one. How Great is Our God.
Nothing is sweeter than hearing those voices sing praises to God together. Seeing them…with what we consider to be so little…sing praise to our God and King.
I had the honor of sharing how deeply God loves them today. And it was amazing. I cannot take a inch of credit for a word that came out of my mouth as it was truly the Lord…and I, myself, was overwhelmed with His love over them. Seeing a tear fall on the cheek of the girl in the second row. Or the boys intently taking it all in…and all about HIS love…His perfect plan…His deep, great, BIG love for each of them.
We taught them the significance of rings…how the circle is eternal…it goes on forever like God’s big love. And then they lined up…and as Aaron sang a song of His love for them–each and every child received a ring to remind them of His deep love for them. That it is forever. He never forgets them. When they are abandoned…He will forever be their father. When they are abused…He will heal their hurts. He is and will be enough for them.
To see their belief on their faces…just amazing. Truly–today may have been one of the most holy in my life. I am just humbled that God would allow me to be here…and experience and see and feel His great, deep and BIG love for orphans and widows. Oh yes–He loves me deeply. And you too. But I have to say…I think my King has a thing for orphans and widows. It does say so in His Word you know.
After the children got their rings…and after the rest of us wiped away our tears. The wedding cake was served. The fanta tops were popped. And the dj started. We celebrated as if we were at a wedding reception. The children sang and danced…and they pulled us all on the dance floor with them. It was absolutely…
Can’t you just see it???
And this my friends–is worth traveling the whole world over.
To tell them.
Of His amazing, great BIG love for them.
And then to dance.

by admin
Simply amazing! I cannot even imagine what a blessing today was for you and for each of the precious children! A memory I am sure you will never forget, bless you sweet Andrea!
Simply wow! God is so good. Praying for every single one of their tender hearts that God just fills them up with love and shows them that he alone can heal their hurts and bind up their wounds. Those little eyes of theirs have seen way too much. Thank you for all that you are doing to give them hope in Jesus! Lives are being forever changed as a result of this trip!
tears… seriously… Praying that the words of TRUTH ring in their ears for YEARS to come!!