7 years ago TODAY…
Marked one of THE most amazing days of my entire life and a pivotal day in my calling in life.
I became a mom.
Parker Young…our sweet little man was born.
7 years ago today…
I was scared to death. Part of me wanting to run out of the hospital before I had him because I felt like I had NO idea what I was doing. And I lay there trying my best to smile…my last picture ever taken before he was born and my world forever changed…(not looking too pretty I know–hey it had been a LONG night and I was up ALL night watching the Olympics waiting for contractions to get closer together:)…

And I’ll never forget.
I remember trying to think about and even plan what I would say to him the moment he was placed in my arms.
I thought I’d say something eloquent…as if he could understand me–and something so beautiful that it’d melt my heart as I retold the story year after year.
But they placed him in my arms–and my world stood still.
I forgot EVERYTHING I knew before.
I held him–and I looked at him…
I was speechless.
Hey Parker.
Tears fell.
Hey Parker.
Voice barely audible.
Hey Parker.
I was speechless…and it was all my heart could mutter.
I no longer was able to just think with my head. Part of my heart now lived outside of my body…and my life would never again be the same.

My world changed…and all the things that I thought mattered–didn’t have the same value any more. Everything was different now.
The silly unspoken things that I thought once defined a person…personality…interests…this or that…no longer existed. I would look across the room and see another mother…and immediate compassion I felt for her heart…knowing that she too had part of heart living outside of her. The things I used to look at in other children…whether it was behavior or care or whatever…and unknowingly think I would do things differently…all went away. I had a new…deeper love for children knowing what miracles each truly were…and how they were someone’s heartbeat. And then…I realized how much even the gospel looked different to me.
He sent His only Son to die on a cross for ME??? AND for YOU?
Oh my…
Oh Holy God in Heaven…I had no idea. No idea…how hard this was for you. I had no idea. EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING…everything including the truths of the gospel changed on that beautiful day.
And I thought my heart might burst for my love for this baby.
We had to leave him at the hospital in the NICU and come home without him. And this–oh my heart…thought my world was upside down and I couldn’t breath. But soon he would be cleared to come home. And joy filled our hearts as we walked through the door and became a family seven years ago this August.

Seven years ago!!!
My how time flies. Seven years of motherhood…and within this 7th year of motherhood…and fatherhood (Rico Suave)…we will have 5. Five little miracles. Five pieces of our hearts walking around outside our bodies. Some days I wonder if life can get any better…and then it does. Despite the hard days–as we all have them…when I look back I am just overwhelmed by His GRACE and MERCY and LOVE poured all over our lives. He is so, so, SO good.
Praise Him! Praise His Holy name!!! Thank you Jesus for this life you have given us…a life full of children to love…with cups that overflow.
In homeschool news…
We heart our Apologia science book. Yesterday was one of the best days of our homeschool so far…and I love our science textbook! We ordered a solar system replica kit, and we had a fun morning putting it together! Even Frankie baby got involved!!! (Isaac was busy running the railroad with his Thomas trains:)

We had so much fun painting the planets…and we even added glow-in-the-dark paint as the sealer so we could have fun turning off the lights and making them orbit the sun:)

Love that Frankie baby even gets involved in some of these projects…

In Preschool News…
The babies are going to preschool 2 mornings a week from 9:30am -12:30pm. This is great for them–and great for the homeschool students at home to have a few mornings to focus without Thomas the train distractions:) Isaac did GREAT…and Frank did too!!! So proud of my big boys!!! Isaac has been dying to go to Mrs.Beth’s class for a year now. He has the SAME teacher Frank had last year so he is very familiar with the class and teacher…and he now has 7 new friends:). SOOOO much has gone into getting to THIS point of him being ready to have a couple of hours away from me. This is a first–and he is ready!!!
AND Frank has 2 of our most favorite teachers EVER…and it’s going to be a GREAT year. His best girlfriend is in his class too…so we are super excited!!!
Here are the boys together before their FIRST day of preschool this year! AND Isaac’s first day of preschool ever!!! So fun! AND beaming with how proud I am for him for doing so well today!!!!

Such a great day…and can’t wait to celebrate with Raspberry Razzle Dazzle Fruit covered cookie cake tonight!
by admin
oh andrea, this was just beautiful. You truly captured how we mothers feel when God first blesses us with our first child…how our whole world changes and we see through different lenses!
Andrea, That is awesome and so true about not knowing what life is really like until we have a child of our own! I didn’t know you have 5 children and my hat is off to you girl and congratulations. Well,as they say, God never gives us more than we can handle so he must’ve known you would be a great mom. I have enjoyed reading this and looking at your pics. I hope you and your family are doing well and continue to. Thank you for sharing this and I hope to see you soon and meet your kids one day when you’re in AC. Sincerely, Leigh
Happy 7th Birthday to Parker!!!