Birthday parties are my favorite. Celebrating another year. An excuse to celebrate with friends that love you no matter what. To dance. To sing. To celebrate life. And this is the way we do it at our house…we turned up the music…REALLY loud…danced to Somewhere over the rainbow and we even got a groove on with Hillsong’s Rainbow song (2nd on my playlist today if you want to check it out…it is SO much fun to dance to with the kids!!!). Today was a wonderful reminder of God’s faithfulness. NOT just with the rainbow theme–but also rejoicing with our friends. I know my little girl feels so blessed to have these dear friends celebrate with her. BUT I also do as well. Some of these friends she has shared almost every memory of her life with…and I feel so blessed to have each and every one of the precious friends who were with us today to celebrate with.
And pulling off the rainbow theme–well, it was a lot of fun!!! When Laney told me she wanted to have a rainbow party–you know this momma’s wheels got turning. And this is what the result was…Every girl got a hand-made rainbow tutu designed by yours truly. (TRULY–these are simple as pie. You just tie strips of tulle around elastic…and wa-la! And as for the rainbow arch–2 pieces of PVC pipe…lots of balloons…and a Nana, Papa and hubby that love you enough to blow up balloons until midnight.) Oh…the jello–I’d recommend starting this a couple of days early. You have to wait for each layer to set–so I had a date with jello and boiling water Friday night. But don’t you think the result was worth it?
A rainbow candy favor station (I know the moms probably loved this–hee, hee…and their dentists too;) They made colorful necklaces for a craft. And the cupcakes were multi-colored inside (seperate the batter in 4 bowls and use food coloring or food coloring gel to color each one). Then you dye the icing, add marshmellows for clouds, sour striped strips for the rainbow…and a few sprinkles for a magic touch!
As if things weren’t colorful enough, Laney approved of me dressing in every color and adding the rainbow wig too. Truly, I can’t believe she lets me do half the stuff that I do. When I danced and sang–she even wanted me to pick her up…like she was proud and not embarrassed. Really, I would have been embarrassed if I were her;)
And that’s momma’s support group;). (If you are an adoption momma and you are coming to the adoption retreat…these are 3 of the moms who aren’t adoption moms who are actually helping head up the retreat!!! When I say they are my support group–I mean it!!! Through thick, thin…whatever…we support each other–and that includes rainbow parties!!!
A few other sneak peaks from the party…there was some rainbow face painting! Doesn’t Frankie baby look excited to participate?!
Special thanks to the big girls for their artistic talent!
And my big sista and her middle one. April is just 14 months older than me. Isn’t she beautiful?
Here is Frank with his future wife…my bestfriend’s daughter…she is just precious to me!!! Frank and Lexi are both VERY serious…things should be pretty boring in their future house–but at least they are consistent;)
Then it was TIME…(Laney requested we say “cha, cha, cha” after each verse this year…which of course we always take and honor special requests!)
(On a special side note–don’t you LOVE that painting on the wall??? Aunt April bought if for Isaac in ETHIOPIA!!! I treasure it and know that he will one day too!
And then like that—she blew out the candles and another year is before us!
Happy birthday sweet girl!!! Truly–although some days can seem long and rainy…most days–are just over the rainbow beautiful. And I am so thankful to have the life the Lord gave us. I pray we use it for His glory–and that our lives speak of His promises.
Here’s to another great year! FIVE…here we come!
by admin
Happy Birthday Miss Laney!!!! You are such a special little girl and the rainbows seemed to be just perfect!!!!
Oh, what a precious rainbow party for a precious little 5 year old girl!! Looks like it was a perfect day! 🙂
so much fun!!! lovin’ how you pulled off the rainbow theme.
So, so FUN!! 🙂 Happy Birthday to Laney!! 🙂 (LOVE the tutus!)
so cute! love the cupcakes…and everything rainbow!
Happy Birthday Laney! What a FUN party!
that was adorable, kj
I love this! It looks like everyone had a blast!
How sweet! What a fun theme. I love birthday parties too. For Ellie’s first birthday we did an elephant theme and put out little cups of peanuts on the tables as centerpieces.
What FUN! Simply perfect!
aww…love it and all the yummy colorful food
This is Sooooo CUTE!!!! You are amazing!!!! Love the rainbow colors, cupcakes, tutus, etc. 🙂
OOOppppss Happy Birthday Laney!!!!!
I LOVE the cupcakes!! SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW…another creative birthday post (just read Amy’s blog)….you both are a-ma-zing!
how FUN! i love all of your ideas.
What a fun party! Happy Birthday Laney!!
I just came across this post and I’m so glad I did! My little girl turns 6 next month and she wants a rainbow (and unicorn) bday party. This was just beautiful! Gave me some good ideas! 🙂
Oh my goodness, that’s the BEST rainbow party I’ve ever seen! Would love to know how you did the drinks? or is that jello? Too cool!! Erica @