I have had the joy of knowing this family for over 10 years–and it’s been such a honor to watch the Lord work in their lives. Just a few years ago this dad was in in corporate America while the momma was staying at home raising her crew. And then the Lord called them to go. I remember their packing up their lives to follow His call–and it’s been such a joy to watch God’s story unfold in their lives as they followed Him across the world to a place they have to carefully walk where the gospel is concerned.
Many of you may have a heart for East Asia–or even have children adopted from that area of the world and you often wonder how you can continue to pour in to this area. One way is to partner with families serving in that area. I have been wanting to share this sweet family with you all–and I asked this family to share just a bit of their story and their life serving in East Asia…
We are a family of 6 living in East Asia. Life here is not easy, it isn’t always fun, but we consider it a privilege to be here!
We have served here in East Asia for a total of almost 5 years, 2 of those years with our children who are 9, 7, 4 and 7 months. Living and raising children in another culture is always an adventure, and when you mix in the ministry that God has called us to do, sharing the Gospel in a country where it is illegal to tell others about Jesus, you know it has to be a calling!
It wasn’t easy for us to leave the comfortable life we had come to know in Charleston, SC and move to this city of over 14 million people, but God laid on our hearts a desire to be involved in spreading His Gospel to people who have never before heard the name Jesus. It took us a number of years to answer that call, but here we are–and we are constantly being blessed by being a part of the Gospel reaching the last unreached areas in the world.
We’ve also come to realize that many people would like to be involved in what we are doing! Many would love to be here in East Asia doing ministry, but for various reasons are not able. However, those people can be a part of what God is doing in this part of the world through prayer and financial support. We would love to tell more people about what God is doing in East Asia, about the men and women who have never heard His name coming to know Him, about an underground church that is growing rapidly, and about men and women that are being sent as missionaries from a country where it is illegal to share the Gospel to other countries where it is also illegal to share!
We are beyond blessed and are so thankful to be a part of God’s work in a unique time in missions history in East Asia!
Is God calling you to be a part of His work in East Asia? We would love to partner with you in reaching the unreached!
THANK YOU for sharing some of your story here! If you would like to know more about this precious family, the work they are doing and how YOU can be a part of it–their two biggest needs right now are prayer support and monthly financial support. If you would like to know more–please contact ME through my contact page. I can send you links to learn more as well as pop something in the mail for you! (Pray that they can find 10 more families to give $100 a month!) ANY amount helps them reach their monthly need! You just NEVER know who is being called to serve in this way in East Asia–and who might just happen to read this that would like to partner with this family to serve that part of the world!
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are curious, just want to know more or if you would like to join them in serving in some way!
by admin
Could you kindly link us to this family’s website ?
Thank you