I have my sweet kindred spirit friend in town…and since she has never been to the South–we decided to do something touristy today and while P and L were at school we took the babies to the Aquarium! It was so much fun (Minus Isaac does NOT do crowds…and I mean doesn’t as in DOES NOT do crowds! How I forgot this I do not know–but trust me I was reminded and it we may not try this again for a long, long time! THANKFULLY my friend Holly-girl was with me so she had a date with Frankie baby while I stayed in more open spaces with ITY). And for once I actually made it in some pictures…so my kids WILL know I was part of their crazy…
We walked in, and I hadn’t taken the time to figure out my camera settings indoors quite yet–and while this one is full of grain…it is the FIRST time Isaac has seen BIG fish…and I still captured a bit of his surprise and wonder…
Unfortunately, I have zero pictures from the exhibits because I was quickly reminded on the tighter walkways that this is NOT Isaac’s cup of tea. I think we got the attention of everyone except for security (I actually think we got their attention but we had their sympathy!)–and thankfully I had Cheerios and snacks…basic needs are always an immediate comfort in those emergencies…and thankfully I also had my sweet friend Holly with me to take Frank to the exhibits while we stayed back and managed…and I do mean MANAGED. There was ONE room that Isaac was comfortable in…so we parked it there for AWHILE (like for more than half of our visit), and we just let the babies play!
Frank has THE sweetest heart and is so patienct with his little brother. He is so proud of him when he is happy and settles in…and never joins him in his fussiness or fits when I feel most toddlers might. Truly–it amazes me as I watch the Lord shape my children’s heart through changes He calls us to make and how He leads us to grow. I wish you could hear him saying, “I-ack!” God knew just what my boys needed when he brought these two together…(can’t you see just a glimpse of Frankie baby’s smiles and celebration of his I-ack!)
Frankie-baby kept saying, “Wowwww momma!” (MELT my heart with his wonder and sweetness…really–until you meet Frank you have no idea of his melt-my-heart nature!!!)
The boys would just sit and stare…
And then they’d have baby talk about what they saw (don’t you wish you could listen in?!)…
I was so proud of Isaac as he got more comfortable to leave Frankie baby and explore a bit…
And then it was time to return to his comfort zone…right where his brother always seems to be–not to far from his side…
Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!!! XOXO!
by admin
these photos of brotherly love are SO precious!!!!
They are so precious!! What great memories these two will have together 🙂
Wow! How sweet are those! That last one melts my heart! 🙂
Every picture is filled with so much love and wonderment. The photos are just perfect, Andrea!!!
Love these precious pictures, Andrea!! Adorable! And your hair looks so cute! 🙂
Oh ya. Crowds. They take a while. And crowds in new places- double trouble. It’s fear. Sensory overload brings FEAR raging in on the littles. We are still trying to figure it out. Sometimes, he’s great and others- eh. Unpredictable. Makes outings a bit of a test. But what choice is there?? He’s looking great! And I bet the next time at the same place he’ll be more comfy. btw- i love seeing the two little guys together. So cute!
PRECIOUS pics Andrea!!!