The Young Family Farm »

Masthead header

A little peak in the farmhouse:)

Oh my. We have a work in progress on our hands that is for sure;)

I found a place for the cow:) In the living room area which is smack dab in the center of our house…


Every one says you should wait until you don’t have little ones to have a white couch. I disagree;). White is the easiest thing to keep clean–the only thing that bleaches back white;). The piano is in this room also–so when the kids have their lessons, the rest of the noisy bunch can move to the family room and we don’t get fired by our music teacher;)!

While many love clean walls and simplicity–I love filling them up with collages and memories. that goes for our staircase too.


I painted the “You’re gonna miss this” sign as a daily reminder when things are a mess, a child has forget their shoes (again!) or chaos is happening. I know one day I’m going to miss this noise of this home full of children. When people ask how many children we have, I can’t help but say “just five” because this momma’s heart will always long for more hearts to pour into. Richard assures me that we can adopt and foster again when our littles are bigger. They say a momma knows when her nest is full. I’m not sure my heart will ever feel that–or at least it hasn’t yet.

And speaking of little birds growing up–ONE of my baby birds…Frankie baby…has decided that approaching 7 means he needs to get rid of bunk beds. So I grieved taking down the bunks with the really cool bucket pulley system we made together (don’t worry–I safely tucked it away for when another little boy wants bunks!) I put the twin bed posts back on and just need to paint those to match the bed set from when I painted it last year when we made them in to bunks. Frankie baby is our little man who loves some football like his All-American UGA football player granddaddy! A peak into #3’s room…


See Frank’s laundry basket? He is Friday:) With 5 little ones–everyone’s basket has a day…making it easier to wash, fold and put away when everything goes back to the same room each day depending on who’s day it is!

The black square between the beds is for Frankie the 1st grader to work on his keeping track of SEC wins and losses using Western slash counting…


Now you football fans don’t get your britches all in a wad…we have NOT tallied wins and losses from today’s game. That’s always Sunday afternoon fun. I don’t want to hear anything about my Auburn Tigers people. Not a word;)

Hope you all are having a great weekend! Here’s a little love from the back pasture…






Why I Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Foster and Adoption Placement

Yes. I am an adoption mom writing this. BUT. I’m an adoption mom in this world. This world that so often gets really confused really fast…about what we are called to as the hands and feet of Jesus, what it means to have a heart like Jesus and what it means to have open hands for what is best for the children we might be called to for a time be the voice for.

My husband and I are on a board for an orphan and widow organization in Zambia, Africa. Over 700 orphans (single or double–or children of widows) attend our school. I think zero of them need to be adopted by Americans, Australians, awesome Canadians or whatever other nationality may be. Our kids are not in orphanages–so they do not need to be adopted. (I do, however, think the kids in orphanages in Zambia very much need families…so if you are waiting on bringing a child home from an orphanage in Zambia…wait well and get ready for a crazy, unknown Zambian ride;) Our kids, however, are being cared for in their communities–and those who do not have parents are being fostered by other moms in our little village. They are getting to stay in their community, raised with their siblings and really–they have everything they need. And oh how they love Jesus! If you asked the kids would they like to go to America–100% of them would say yes…but to meet Taylor Swift and meet movie stars would be the number one reason why;).

They are loved. They are cared for. They are being educated and discipled. They are going to be the movers and shakers of their community as they are being empowered to create change in their worlds. I’m excited to see what God is going to do–and how He is going to use the 700 kids in our schools there to rock change in their worlds. These kids who once didn’t know how to dream are being taught how to dream and that with the Lord before and beside them–they can do anything. I’m weekly challenged by these kids and their love for Jesus and trusting in Him for daily provision and meals…while I often get my perspective out of whack here in our world of–UGH…my daughter didn’t get the part she wanted in Nutcracker. (Someone please slap me and give me a reality check.)

I can’t tell you how many adoption agencies have heard about our work in Zambia and wanted to sit down and chat to “pick my brain”. Um no. They are good. But they still need us. And oh my gracious–we still need them. So yes–let’s go to lunch and I would love to share how to get involved in our widows or sponsorship program. Together the Lord has changed me–and I believe they are being changed too–together we are changing each other. There is such beauty as we choose not to give up on the difficulties of African ministry–if you have dug deep in African ministry and chosen not to run or give up yet…you know what I’m talking about. With any ministry there is corruption when perspectives change. Power. Money. Security. Our own desires filled. Whatever the motives…I see it seep in every single ministry whether in Africa or the church up the street…and I see why people run from ministry and the church. But please don’t give up on either of those. Where Jesus is working–the enemy will be fighting. It’s our challenge, calling and battle to stay very, very, very close to Jesus and not ever, ever let our flesh or will be louder than His.

I don’t love that adoption means there’s brokenness. Adoption is not natural. (This is one things I’ve heard and said over and over–especially from the birth mom in my home grieving a loss…where has her flesh gone–her heart…oh my heart. Oh sweet girl…I know it doesn’t feel natural. But you are so brave for choosing life.) It may feel natural to some–but being a mom of both biological and adopted children…there is a different feeling in the depth of flesh of flesh. No one ever says that. But that doesn’t mean my depth of love is any different whether. It’s not. My love for all five of my children is FIERCE. It’s a miracle. My little love from China is the most like me. That is a miracle in itself…and we share a different, beautiful bond because how we read each other. Each of my children share different connections…and yes–I love adoption…for so many reasons. But the the brokenness it begins with–I cannot say I love.

I hate that it means brokenness.

I love that it means healing.

I hate as a mom I didn’t get 9 months to nurture and connect. That’s a loss neither of us can make up for…and one that is only given to the one that chose life. I can never replace that special bond…and as a mom it makes me sad that in this life my boys will miss that. Many of my adoptive mom friends who walk the road of infertility will also miss that…and I know that is a loss they will forever carry. But it is also a loss that may also connect them deeper to the hearts of their children as they bond through this loss…something I will also never share with them…a holy sweet bond that connects on deeper levels…I can only imagine.

After the brokenness…there can be healing. But oh…oh…the motives of our hearts as moms must be careful.

We do not rescue. We don’t expect. We don’t deserve.

Children–no matter how they come to us…ARE HIS.

Our children have voices.

They don’t need to be grateful.

They need to be heard…without the noise of other people telling them what they want or need. These kids need to be empowered to think and to dream and to hope and to want…for themselves.

Children are precious hearts to be fought for…for their sake–for their good in mind.

I love the people called. I hate when the people called get in the way…when their voices get louder than the most precious voices or long term well-being of the children.

It saddens me when I see public sharing about foster/adoptive mom rights or unkind discussion of a birthmom…and I put my hands over my eyes. We are broken.

I see kids torn apart in foster care or adoption from their siblings. We are broken.

I hear the hearts…how will I ever deal with possible disappointment…I’ve waited longer…Does He see ME…I know what’s best…I will fight the good fight and not give up they say…we are putting our armor on and if need be…we’ll fight in court. I put my hands over my eyes. Oh are we ever broken.

Some where. Some how. The enemy deceives our hearts…and some how we sneak our hearts, our family needs, our dreams or wants into the equation of healing. And for THAT reason–I have a love/hate relationship with foster and adoption placements.

We need the healing of our own brokenness before we bring more brokenness to an unnatural broken beginning.

With our work in Zambia–when I see a widow we love tell a local friend to steal all the chairs…because we’ll just replace them she says. I want to quit…and run. But the children need us. And we need them. I see her heart. Wanting to help. Thinking she knows how to help. Wanting to be the hands and feet. Seeing she has been given some authority and voice. But. Those chairs. They were never hers. Yet some where she felt entitled to them and felt ownership over them…like she had a right to say where they should go for the good of her people–but not what was best for the children.  She’s passionate about the ministry…and yes–her hands are hands of healing and her heart–it means well…I see it and there’s beauty in it…but I put my hands over my eyes…so broken. The need or because it makes sense to one…doesn’t make it right. BUT…but she says like the man stealing from the store for bread–if you see the desperate cause the chairs will be used for…THEN–then you will understand. You might even sneak in and get the chairs too. No. No–never me we say. I wouldn’t do that. BUT. Some where–along the line…if we aren’t careful we get confused and can justify all the wrong things.

The chairs were never ours.

Nor are any of our children. We get it when we are talking about chairs. But our hearts can be so deceived when they get overly attached and involved.

We can’t stop listening.

To His voice.

To their voices.

It may mean you let go of more things you love for His glory. You might not get to see the end. You might not get to see the fruit. You might not get to have any praise here on Earth. It might be painful. Our hearts will be broken. If we live as Jesus lived…it should be a life where we feel too often we say “Take this cup from me–but if it be your will…then okay. Why Father do you turn your face from me?” Isn’t that how His only Son felt? It didn’t mean the Lord didn’t see…didn’t love…wasn’t fighting…didn’t have a plan.

I won’t give up seeing their hearts. Our family still plans to foster. We are still very much open to adopting.

But their voices must be heard.

And for the record–I’m very nervous to hit ‘post’ because while you may be reading this as a “no-brainer”–many in the world would disagree…with most of what I have typed here. Because their own hearts got involved and I don’t understand. But if you step back…really step back…maybe–just maybe things might look a little different.

If you are listening to their hearts…don’t give up. Don’t give up fighting with them for their hearts. Don’t give up asking Jesus to help you see them as He sees them. He may ask you to do crazy, crazy things to bring healing in this broken world. Trust Him. He does have a plan. When your heart breaks–as mine has over and over for the things He has called us to for just a time–trust that You have run well and left your hands open for His glory no matter how much it hurt to let go.

For those of you fostering…and letting go to hard, hard places. Don’t give up. You are loving big and well—often when the tug-of-war makes absolutely no sense. You are filling a gap that only Jesus can…and I pray you feel His strength as you are tired and deeply want whatever is best for the child you are rocking right now. Courage dear heart. Don’t give up.

Praying with you for HIS best for all of His children. Standing with you with open hands for whatever He calls each of us.



September on the farm…

Oh my.

There is always something to do here…between taking care of 5 children under 10…homeschooling…keeping the acreage cut AND caring for the animals! This week has not disappointed in the work it takes to keep things up! Thankful that FALL is in the air–so we pulled out our old faithful yearly FALL Young bucket list!! (This was made a few years back by simply cutting strips of scrapbook paper and ModgePodge over it!! I used a jagged scissor cutter and a marker for the edges–but you could just burn and blow the edges just the same:) Each year I just use chalk to check off our list so we are sure to fit in our favorites every Fall:)


Other excitement in our week consisted of 2 sick goats. Thankfully we have the accountability of a few other families to keep us on track with school work–but some days everything has to be set aside when there is a little emergency on the farm. This week it was Sugar and Bob:)


Sugar and Bob were all out of sorts—and our vet asked us to bring in the calmest and because their behavior was the same she’d coach me in shots for the other;). Good times I tell you:) Things I NEVER imagined myself doing! They say a sick goat is a dead goat–and now…I believe it. BUT this week we had a miracle and nursed our sick goats back to health!


Some days I worry about what the children are learning, but Mother assures me that they are getting more than they would ever get in school There’s a seasoned 25 year old school teacher for you. I hope that’s true. They learned about different medicine today for animals and they assisted in giving shots to the goats when back home.


After all the crazy–I decided we needed to go out. And I bought a cow. Only the kind that doesn’t moo—and just looks pretty. Thankfully he fit in the van. If the cow fits—BUY him…especially if he comes in every color:)


And speaking of every color—that’s what our eggs look like lately! Nothing as good as free range eggs! I haven’t found a match as far as quality as eggs go compared to ours…our chickens who free range all day produce the prettiest, most orange yolks! Yolks full of nutrition are orange–not yellow. Oh my…and we are getting more than we can eat! Eggs anyone?


Some other fun daily things around here…Oreo is learning to deal with the cats. Y’all. We had a farmhouse mouse last week. We must have cats! The 1st graders are looooooving school–and oh my–I looooove teaching this age! And I adore having our preschooler interrupting with the funniest things…like watching us with his binoculars! He flips them around over and over and lets us know if we are BIG or if we are “wittle”! And last but not least–Isaac is working hard on looking “bad”. Y’all. This kid is the SWEETEST and all he does is SMILE. He is working on growing a tall flat top and looking cool and tough:)



Oh those tile floors—drive me crazy…but they sure are easy to clean and match Georgia clay:)

I dipped in an antique shop this week and found this perfect beverage crate. Leaving this on our table where we do a lot of school work. How fun is this…


Loo has the same need as I do for crafts. Thankful to have a sidekick. Today we made a banner made of strips of old fabric for her room AND then a wreath–just $9 total to make!



Can you spot the photo bomber??!!

Sooooooo thankful it’s FRIDAY and the weekend is here! Here’s a few snapshots from 7pm on the farm on a Friday evening…


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!



World Suicide Prevention Day {We’ll See You Tomorrow}

Remembering this day this week on behalf of some of the bravest I know…

Life is hard.

Even Jesus said it would be. He said in this life when you face many trials…WHEN–not if. (John 16:33)

And our brain chemistry all handles those trials differently.

For many–depression is a very real struggle–to the point of a dilapidating handicap. It’s not “put your big girl panties on and deal with it” time. It’s real. And if you have never sunken into a depression–the funk of funks–when no matter how hard you try you can’t get out…you might not ever understand…but you can certainly–listen.

I’m surrounded by several who I dearly love–who struggle with depression. It’s a daily fight–and I’m amazed at how well each of these dear friends run. It may seem on some days like just getting out of bed–but in reality–they are running. Running well. The King of Kings SEES that…and oh I wish I could be there when they meet Him and each hear Him say, “Well done. My good and faithful servant. You chose tomorrow on the hardest days. You have done well.”

I’ve fallen into funks…maybe not to that degree…but I’m not ashamed to talk about it. And I think we should. When the darkness is brought to the light–there can be no more darkness…only light.

For me–my darkest and hardest I can quickly pinpoint…and I can’t imagine living in THESE seasons…day after day. BUT…I share them just because–dark days brought to the light–are no longer dark any more…no matter how hard they were at the time…

My 8th grade year–and the year after we brought home our 5th child. I struggled…BIG TIME. And very few friends were there to walk beside me in those.

It was my 8th grade year that I contemplated wanting to be here at all. (Middle schoolers…I pray for you all the time. AND I truly miss teaching middle school for this reason…a call of my heart I look forward to returning to one day!) NOT a big deal maybe as an adult…but as an 8th grader–I thought my life was just over. Our family had moved to a new town–and when our family went out of town some of my new “friends” went in our home and destroyed it. Like holes in the walls y’all. Really good friends I tell you;). The hardest part was how mean they were to me when they were confronted and made accountable. It was a hard time in the world of an 8th grade girl…and I remember wanting it to be OVER. I made a plan–and something (the Holy Spirit) stirred my mom to check on me that night…and thankfully she walked me through the hard. THOSE DAYS…I will never forget. THOSE days are probably a significant part in my homeschooling. People…can be mean. And while I know I can’t protect my children completely–you can’t judge another’s experience or their shoes until you, too, have walked in them. I want my children to know and understand who they are–who they can hope in and to be built up and ready for this hard world. There’s no doubt in these days I needed counseling and encouragement–and I hope and pray if you are reading this…and you are a young person–that you will reach out to someone and tell them if you need this when your days seem the toughest.

My next deepest funk–and I mean funk…came after bringing home our 5th child. There is no doubt now that I was struggling with what they call post-adoption depression. It’s a very real thing–and I was in the middle of it. I was homeschooling our older 3 children while helping two new ones learn what family is…along with managing physical therapies for them and the deep, deep healing of their hearts. I’ve written before about this experience–and the ONE place I was able to articulate the struggle we were walking through was with the Christian hybrid homeschool I had the kids in so we had time for extra doctor visits. Instead of speaking words of life—read that article to see what happened—and oh my GRACIOUS…how we need to be the CHURCH…and walk together. WE NEED EACH OTHER…and when one is down…we pick another up. So if you are mom in the struggle…oh my–you are NOT CRAZY…please, please, please don’t hear that if another believer foolishly tries to say what it looks like. We are to pick each other up…encourage each other…be the body of Christ–and these folks just missed a pretty sweet God opportunity to be just that. If you are a mom struggling with the day to day–then something DOES need to change. But you are not crazy. And the only change is–really…finding real support for your family and for you.

There should be no stigma in going to counseling. For yourself…or for your marriage. When you see a child of yours struggling…you didn’t do anything wrong–it’s life. Those trails Jesus told us would happen over time. We need to work on being brave…and talking—A LOT…about what our hearts are really going through and experiencing. When we are in good places–we need to look for those who are not and pick them up…that’s Corinthians…comforting with the same comfort we have received. There should be no stigma with depression or just being vulnerable…because I’m really not convinced that anyone does NOT deal with this at some point in their lives.

I share the hard from my life simply because social media, Pinterest and the world is so good at making everyone’s lives seem like they are full of rainbows and unicorns. Lisa Frank just isn’t reality;). The more we share our hard–the easier it is for everyone…especially our friends and family who hold in the hard and we have no idea they are struggling. If we share when it’s hard–those the Lord has put in our lives who aren’t in the midst of hard will be able to pick us up and vice versa. And I want to be there to pick up those around me and stop everything to just listen and be there too.

I want to be a person speaking words of LIFE.

I want to encourage.

I want to turn my frustration from that really rude guy who just went off for no reason to LOVE…remembering that he may be in such a hard place…and he needs more encouragement and love RIGHT now than I could ever imagine. I want to realize that JUST maybe the Lord allowed that guy or gal to say that thing to me for no reason…to give me that look or that road rage of a moment…because God knew that I was His…and that I would pray…and reach out…and creatively brain storm how I might brainstorm how to love so big that they only see His grace and love and know that HE is speaking to them.

I want to invite trouble in…not to tell that mom to come back when she has it all together–but to invite her in…to invite myself into her world…and see how I might help her…and in the helping…see that really–she is the one helping me.

There will be hard, hard days—no matter your age or stage…and oh man–we need each other.


I’m so proud of the friends who have dealt with depression on a DAILY basis…who keep saying yes to another tomorrow. Recently suicide has hit the Ethiopian adoption community as children in middle school have gone. You get to know a lot of families across the country when you adopt–and we have met families who have lost their children, their spouses, and survived themselves. I love, love, love what TWLOHA is doing to raise awareness, erase the stigma and help those who need support find support.

You can buy one of their amazing tees with this design on their site.

Erase the stigma of depression. Look for someone to encourage and be there for in their hard stuff. And speak words of life–no matter what.

We’ll see YOU tomorrow beautiful,




Farmfit {Who needs CrossFit when you have a farm?}

Have you run into some Crossfit junkies lately? Oh my. They are some serious folks about their workouts. They post their lift pics, their workout plans and even have their own app to share the weight they rocked that day. I only know this…because I’m MARRIED to one;). For months, he’s been trying to get me to drink the CrossFit water. But oh my gracious. Read this post and you’ll know why momma ain’t got time for that;). Seriously–who needs CrossFit when you have a farm?

For the first few weeks (okay maybe MONTHS) after moving on the farm last Spring I ended my days with much needed advil and crashed every night like I used to when I taught middle school. This farm life–is no joke.

So the padres came to town this weekend and we had a grand ole time full of shared laundry;), delicious Southern cooking (if I do say so myself) and a few fun farm adventures. We TRADED an obnoxious rooster for 2 goats this weekend. Quite the trade right? Our friends in town decided they were done with goats–and they thought a rooster would be fun…so we happily made the trade they requested;) Bless them. I foresee rooster potpie ahead–and we adore our new friends…


That’s Big Mama on the left and Lil’ Billy on the right. You can’t see Lil’ Billy’s goatee–but trust me…the name goatee comes from him:) They were dehorned as babies–so we are keeping them with our pig in this smaller pasture as they have no way to defend themselves from the other goats or something else. Our Great Pyrenees will hopefully keep coyotes away, and they will be safe:) It was SO FUN having my parents here for their delivery…but especially fun letting them take part in the “catching of the rooster” event. If you’ve never had the joy–trust me…it’s good, hilarious fun for all. Ole Roo was caught–put in a box and taken to his new home to cock-a-doodle-doo to his heart’s content;)

We are sticking to our 10 laying hens (For you non-farm folks…you don’t need a rooster for a hen to lay an egg a day—no fertilization needed here as we have hens a plenty and give away more eggs than we can eat:).

My parents let Richard and I scoot away for the night so we could have a night out–which consisted of World Market fun, trying on hats and an amazing dinner at St.Cecilia (if you are ever planning a trip to Hot-lanta…reservations can be booked online.) Rich was such a gem to let me play while he read the news…and oh my–with the work of 5 kids under the age of 10 and the farm–we needed a little get-away even if it was just for one night!


I didn’t buy the hat by the way…but now I’m wishing I did;).

Then. It was time for a reality check. Labor Day…the parents left for Sweet Home Alabama and it was time to hit the farm. Only we came home to two sick goats. NOT our new ones–but Sugar and Bob. Goats are pretty fragile creatures and eating a poisonous leaf can take them out in 24 hours. We lost 2 boer goats this summer to toxic leaves–and oh my…we are quickly teaching our kids all about loss on the farm through these animals–but I’d REALLY love to not lose Sugar or Bob…so the last 48 hours have been spent giving 2 goats syringes of probiotics and milk of magnesia…while we anxiously await our vet appointment on Wednesday!

I’ve spent my day today nursing these 2 sick goats–and oh my gracious…I just had no idea how much work this would be. I’ve learned so much too. Goats can NOT eat just anything like some might think. I raced to the feed and seed today to see if they had activated charcoal to help them detox whatever toxic plant they got into…and picked up lots of fresh hay. THIS might sound easy enough–but hauling hay isn’t the easiest…and this is where FarmFit verses CrossFit comes in. Y’all. Momma hasn’t been to a gym in 10 years…but working this farm is whipping me into shape. There’s no rest for the weary here. No sir. You gotta do what cha gotta do…so if it means working all afternoon to save goats…that’s what you do–and lots of sweat is involved…and momma was never a fan of heavy lifting or sweat…but maybe it’s good for me;) This pic I posted to Instagram today and my FB status describes the funny that happens here…


My Facebook status today:

“Oh you know. That time you were out working in your back pasture…tossing hay bales by yourself. And you started sweating…and since no one was around you took your shirt off…since you did have a tank top on too. And you see two men pull up in your drive way. So you freak out certain this is how it all goes down at the farm by yourself…and you forget about that tank top or that shirt tied around your waste and you let out a farm girl whistle that calls the dogs…and they beat you to the men…barking a mean bark and you yollar, “What can I help you boys with?” all serious like you’re out of an Olde Western. Then with their ties and suits… they hand you a track jaw dropped and you realize the tank scared them more than the dogs or your intimidating Clint Eastwood voice. I didn’t get anything but a track and they hauled it. My apologies to the men with Jesus Christ Ladder Day Saints who were assigned my street. If you drop in unannounced you never know what you’ll get here! I called off the dogs in the nick of time;) Close call cause you know a Great Pyrenees guards his farm well! And apparently the farmgirl does too;)”

All this. Before 10:30 a.m:)

But I almost left off the BIGGEST things that happened before 10:30am!! Oh my…our ZEKE went to PRE-K today at preschool! He only goes a few hours every morning which makes it possible for momma to teach the other 4…and this year he is the SAME class as one of our best friends! “Even the smallest person can change the course of this world.”–How CUTE is that tee by Transforming Beauty?!


And while my birds were at art and cooking and computer…just a few of the classes the homeschooled bunch take on Tuesdays…this momma worked on the farm and when I took “breaks” inside…I prepared for our school week ahead…


I really want to challenge my kids to see HEARTS…and to be brave with theirs. I want to teach them how to see beauty…not because I have a girl–but because I also have 4 boys…


I want them to love one another. Help one another…and carry one another. Y’all. Today wasn’t perfect. In fact…it was hard. One child had a melt down. I’m not sure if 2 of our animals will make it. And the crazy He calls us to can almost wipe you out. BUT…then you catch moment’s like these…


“Brudder. Don’t worry. I got you.”

And you stand back and you see…that He’s got a plan and a purpose through the hard. We are just supposed to keep our eyes UP and to trust Him…and just take one day at a time.

Easier said than done right? Well–just know you aren’t alone.

So there ya have it. A day on the farm. AND this was a slow, laid back one with the kids off learning today–and tomorrow we’ll have putting goats in the van…and a vet appointment and goat stool samples and new spelling words and math…and some how–it all gets done. And I remember signing up for this but I had no idea all the hard things that came with it. Then I realize–isn’t that how everything is? Whether it’s being a mommy or adoption or a dream job or marriage or anything? We have no idea the hard that comes with the things the Lord guides us to…we only know we want to say YES to them. So we do. And He teaches us, guides us and gives us strength through them. He’s making me FarmFit…and not just on the outside–but on the inside too. I’m learning how to say goodbye a whole lot to things I love, celebrate every bit of life in every living thing…and to treasure each day and everything in it.

Here’s to tomorrow!! May it be extraordinary for you.

