I love the lyrics to the song “Your Grace is Enough”…especially the beginning… Great is Your faithfulness, O God You wrestle with the sinner’s restless heart You lead us by still waters into mercy And nothing can keep us apart. So, remember Your people, Remember Your children, Remember Your promise, O God. Your grace is […]
The Young Family Farm »
Category Archives: InspirationalI’m sitting here in the quiet of my home. Parker’s playing with his PlayMobile toys, Isaac is napping and Frank and Laney…I’ll confess–they are watching a Barbie movie (judge me if you want to…on either Barbie part or the movie part–really…it’s okay–today I just needed some quiet. They will be okay–I hope;). This morning I […] Praying for you continually,Andrea. Dr. Rick Boden is an infectious disease doc and I wish you would see him. I believe God works throuh his hands. Please know you are being lifted in prayer and the Angels and Saints are surrounding you with their love and comfort. Pax and hugs,Marci Oh, Andrea, my heart breaks for you. I have been there. Where the symptoms are strange and the Doctors are stumped…until one day the simplest of complaints sparks a thought, blood work was ordered and thought confirmed into diagnosis. Treatment wasn’t especially fun, but I am in recession now, praise God! It was a long and tedious journey but on this side of it I see the Lords hand. Polymyalgia Rheumatica….you might have stumped the thinkers but God wins in the end! Such precious, refreshing words from God. Love that passage! When you’re healthy and ready to begin the adoption process again, in His timing, He’ll provide those funds to bring your little girl home! Everything is His anyway…He’ll provide. Praying that this new doctor has some answers for you! Needed this today, Andrea! Thanks for this sweet encouragement from the Lord! Andrea, I know you don’t know me but I just wanted to thank you for sharing a piece of your heart. Our adoption journey started the same month that I was diagnosed with some serious hyperthyroidism and so we immediately had to stop everything and wait. But what you wrote at the end about someday looking back and hoping to be thankful for this? That is so glorifying to your Heavenly Father! And in my experience, I absolutely have seen that to be true. I wouldn’t have chosen this timing and this path but all that God has done through this has been beautiful and worth it. (Not because the pain was beautiful, but because Jesus became more beautiful to me through it.) And even though I’m not 100% healed, I am healthy enough now to be getting ready to apply to agencies for our domestic adoption! Praying for you in the wait. Andrea…maybe we are twins separated at birth? Not sure. But this week has been FULL to the brim with medical testing here too and I am getting ready to start an experiemental non FDA approved drug in order to get better. It is hard. But God DOES have a plan for your good (and mine…I have to tell myself this EVERY morning). Hoping I get to see you again soon friend. Praying for you! Oh Andrea…thanks once again for sharing your heart and God’s heart too. You have been an inspiration to me for such a long time, and just know that we are lifting you up in prayer right now. We too, have been through the wringer with auto-immune diseases – sometimes waiting and waiting for a diagnosis and sometimes just walking through the gritty, day-to-day existence of living with pain and body parts that don’t function properly. Granted, in our case it’s my husband and not me, so I’m coming from a different perspective. I do know what it’s like, though, to wonder how in the world all of the health problems and expense are going to dovetail into the adoption that you KNOW God has led you to. I know about stretching yourself through hundreds of tests and plenty of procedures and surgeries. I know what it’s like to pray for healing, to be anointed with oil, and to be WAITING on God’s promises. But I also know that God is FAITHFUL, and that sometimes it is the hardest things that show you just how big and amazing and complete He is. It has been in the moments when I’ve needed His help just to breathe through the panic that I’ve learned the most about who He is and how much He loves me. We would never have chosen the road of sickness and disease, but I believe with all my heart that God turns Satan’s evil into amazing beauty, and because of that, we’ve had experiences that I wouldn’t trade for the world. “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never by shaken.” Psalm 62:1-2 I am so sorry this is happening to you. We are praying for you. Can I thank you for ministering to my heart in the midst your own questions and hurting? We’ve gone through alot of medical questions in the years leading up to our adoption and even some during. We too, have spent large sums of money on tests that seemed to go no where and that seemed so useless in the scheme of our heart’s cries and the needs and the hurting we saw in others and across the world. Yet can I say that God has used these experiences . .. and smaller bank accounts to strip back layers in my heart and life and showed me much security I found in a padded savings account and more than I had ever wanted to admit? It’s been humbling and hard at times to face the truth of that. But what I have loved is being able to watch GOD fund our adoption and claim no credit of our own. It has required so much more faith on my part to take this journey without the end in sight and God has amazed me by His provision where I never saw it coming. I don’t mean to imply this is the lesson you need to learn at all – but God used it in my own life and it has been humbling seeing Him provide through others. In fact, I love how you already see His faithfulness in giving you a means to meet your current needs. I’m confident He’ll provide the future ones too. I think that’s what I get excited for you guys. . . to see how God is going to continue showing you His face, His faithfulness and His provision still to come. It’s what I’m trusting in our own story and will be praying for you in yours. And tonight? Know you are in our prayers. That as you face your own struggles amidst so selflessly giving to others that God will just surround you with His peace, His encouragement and His HOPE for what’s to come. That you can find the strength to love your littles to the extent your heart feels for them and that your family will be blessed for the love it’s shown so many. blessings . . . Andrea: Thank you for sharing! What a beautiful reminder that God’s plans are for our good. (He makes all things beautiful!, I am currently wearing my retreat tee shirt with that message.) I too have struggled with auto-immune issues, and know the stress of dealing with 5 specialists who are all puzzled and giving conflicting messages about how to treat the current situation. I pray that you will receive relief from the symptoms and healing from whatever the real cause turns out to be. As a fellow homeschooler, do not sweat the movie day. We all need days like that, even when we are healthy. My girls love “Barbie” movies too. And I think that most of them are quite innocent and sweet. No judgements here. 🙂 Your words are such an encouragement. God’s plans are better than our own but I know sometimes it doesn’t seem like things are working out for our good. This is a good reminder for me today. Because I also sit in a place where things just dont make sense. Thank-you for your encouragement. hang in there. praying for answers first and foremost! and then when God gives the green light, i will have my adoption financial website up and running and you can be one of the first to use it! Andrea, I have never met you but pray for you regularly. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You bless me so much. 🙂 so true sweet friend. His plans are {always} greater…even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time!! i wouldn’t trade the past year for anything..as you know, it has looked much different than we thought..praying you get to see a glimpse of clarity and the why behind it all!! much love! Oh, Andrea! First, I just now found your blog . . . how did I not know about this gem until now??!! Your writing and your faith are amazing and I have drawn great strength from both lately. This post was word for word what I needed to hear today. Actually, it was more what the Lord wanted me to read. And, while I’m not there yet, I’m also hoping to stop wishing for Rewind and be content where we are, trusting Him and His purpose right now. Thank you for sharing this 🙂 Lent is just a couple of weeks away…beginning THIS year on February 22nd. AND I CAN’T WAIT!!! It is one of the most JOYOUS and SACRED times for our family–and we use the Lent tree to make it come to life. For those of you wanting to join me in creating a Lent tradition, I […] Can’t wait to do this with our kiddos 🙂 I love this idea for Lent! We bought thin wood ovals from craft store & Mod Podged scrapbook paper & printed clip art pics from google images to make Jesse Tree scripture ornaments. Added a little bling to some by using scrapbook rhinestones or ribbon & ended up making a beautiful tree. Having something tangible to look at or hold while reading the scripture stores helped make each story special & memorable for my boys. Thank you! Hi, Thanks for this idea! A friend of mine introduced me to the “lenten tree” idea, and I was trying to find more info on it. I came across your site and really appreciated it 🙂 I also featured this idea on my blog on how to tell the Easter story creatively to children. Thanks! http://www.1010kids.com/2012/03/5-ways-to-tell-the-easter-story-creatively/ Have you ever been there? When your heart longed for something? When you were certain you heard His voice? You thought hearing His voice meant NOW? So much so, that you jumped–you followed–and then you heard WAIT. I’m convinced the word–WAIT–can be one of the hardest words to hear. Ask my 3 year old. He […] Oh sweet friend, I am praying for you guys in this time of waiting. I feel like Adam and I had the hardest year of just WAIT while we were trying to move downtown to do minsitry, and we learned and grew so so much. . . .praying the same for you! Been there, as you know, struggling to understand the “wait”. You said it more beautifully and accurately than I ever could or did. =) But, like you, I have found the peace with the “wait” and I am starting to look back and see the pieces of the picture that God had seen all along for my/our life. Beautiful. Rejoicing in His Will. Love when you share your heart like this, and equally love how God uses it to minister to others. There are so many more things I could say, but instead I’ll just give you a big ol’ hug in a couple of weeks. Life has been busy, but Friday is still your day.:) Love ya! What a beautifully written post! I was thinking about how I knew I heard the Father’s voice when we decided to try for a 3rd child….5 years later our Abby came! It was a time of growing, trusting and patience. SHE WAS WORTH THE WAIT as we needed to wait for our Abby to be born! I hung on to Hab. 2:2-3 and think of it for your wait as will…surely it will come to pass at the appointed time! Blessings and know that you are in my prayers. Praying and believing for your healing sister! Jenny I’m right there with you, Andrea! This post touched/matched me on so many levels and hearing Him in Phil 2 was a perfect comfort. Save this one for your next daughter to read one perfect day! Thank you. Cannot wait for my Texas peeps & I to meet you at C4C. We SO need it – thank you for answering when He called. Oh my gracious. You have done it again! I SO needed this encouragement today. Thank you!!! I have been reading your blog for a while, and thank you so much for the encouragement. God has truly given you an incredible gift. Thank you so much for this post. I have recently gone through a similar situation, and have felt the painful ache of wanting more children for over three years now. Recently, I was certain I heard God say yes, but when things didn’t work out I was confused. The wait is still difficult, but Thank you for reminding me that his timing is infinetly better than ours. I have been reading your blog for a while, and thank you so much for the encouragement. God has truly given you an incredible gift. Thank you so much for this post. I have recently gone through a similar situation, and have felt the painful ache of wanting more children for over three years now. Recently, I was certain I heard God say yes, but when things didn’t work out I was confused. The wait is still difficult, but Thank you for reminding me that his timing is infintly better than ours. Andrea- Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for this post today. It was exactly what I needed to hear this afternoon. Your honesty resonated so true to my heart and soul. My husband and I are at 10 months DTE to Ethipia, and 3 yrs of trying to become pregnant. We understand waiting so well. As we continue to listen to our Shepherd’s voice, we will wait upon His timing for the promises He holds for us. Praying for your family today. After following your blog for over a year, I’m excited to meet you at C4C! Can’t wait for the retreat! Andrea…I really needed this encouragement today. Thank you for your openness. Trust and Obey, for there’s no other way. To be happy in Jesus but to Trust Obey. Thank you for another timely reminder. Beautiful the way God uses His body. Like these words typed by His child that are read with the distinct sound of His voice whispering them. I love you, Andrea. We sing the same song. I thank God for leading me here just when I needed it SO much. I thank you for your obedience in spending the time and energy it takes to write this blog. I know God to be an awesome healer. He cured me of childhood grand mal seizures (baffling the doctors), restored perfect vision to my children, repaired my daughter’s front teeth, restored my face after being scarred by a nasty chemical burn and completely healed me from a debilitating back problem that landed my in the hospital…Just naming a few I can remember now. Be encouraged…We didn’t have to “jump through hoops” to see the healing. We just trusted God & thanked Him for His best for us (and resolved not to complain). I needed to be reminded that I have to reapply that to this area of my life: watching years pass without having more children. I really didn’t think it would take this long, but I know (despite advancing in age) that God promised. Sure, the enemy will always try to plant doubt that God really said it (beginning w/ Eve). Yet, I am determined now to be happy and am greatly inspired by your example. -Again, thank you! Coming to Created for Care??? THIS year for movie night–we are highlighting a ministry in Uganda called Light Gives Heat. SUPER excited to have gotten to know Morgan just a bit, and so touched by their work and how the Lord is using them. It all began with the call of adoption–and it’s birthed into […] Love this ministry! Bought Christmas presents from them this year and was highly impressed. I can’t wait to see the video at the retreat! I LOVE Light Gives Heat…we sold Suubi necklaces to help us fundraise for our adoption and everyone loved them as much as I do. I was so excited to find an organization that started with the adoption of their little one and then spiraled into an organization that helps so many in Uganda. I can’t wait to watch the movie at the March retreat!!!! LOVE this!!! Can’t wait to see it (will definitely pack some tissues.) 🙂 Wow, just beautiful. Can’t wait to see it. |
by admin
what an incredible service! thank you for sharing it with us to remind us that his grace is indeed enough!!
im all choked up with tears filling my eyes. BEAUTIFUL! oh how i wish i could have been there, seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears… but thank you for blessing my soul by sharing this story!
-Keely (MamaEli via facebook)
Oh my goodness, the tears keep falling. Absolutely beautiful.
Thanks for sharing this, Andrea. It really spoke to me as we consider another adoption and all that could be before us. What a beautiful example that young woman and that family is of what adoption is REALLY about. Beatiful!
An especially beautiful post. Sounds like a powerful service this morning. And, I loved your statement, “that we would sit before Christ and bring our children with us.” I’m writing that down! Thank you.
I am reading Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus. It is such a great reminder of our true calling and ways to live that out practically. Oh so good!